The English word Argentina describes a South American nation, the word itself deriving from the Latin argentinus, meaning "of silver".
The colors are of the sky and clouds. The sun is the Sun of May (Sol de Mayo), May because it was in May 25th 1810 that the process of independence started (it was delcared in 1816).
Many say the colors are actually beacuse of simpathy for the house of Bournon (Historians are still debating about this).
It comes from Latin. Argent in latin means silver/coins So, Argentina is like the land of silver. Even today there's the Plata River (Silver River)
"Argentina" is a Spanish adjective meaning "silvery". You may recognize how that aligns with the Periodic Table symbol for silver (Ag).
The spelling of "Argentina" is the same in English and Spanish.
Argentina is pronounced Arshentina in Spanish. get rid of the g in Argentina and replace it with a sh. And the Tina is pronounced teena. It would be pronounced Arshenteena
Argentina is "l'Argentine" in French. This is a feminine noun, with no masculine.
It means: what are the seasons in Argentina.
It means, "...and you are from Argentina or from Chile."
Argentina, the Latin word meaning is 'of Silver'
"Yo soy de Argentina" translates to "I am from Argentina" in English.
the meaning of Villa La Nata well it hasn't got a meaning it is a place in Argentina
from the latin word Argentum, meaning silver. there was a lot of silver discovery in streams
The meaning of the phrase used by Barcelona F.C. and Argentina fans "Solo un Leo" is, There's only one Leo.
Believe it or not this answer is not T-Rex. The aswer is Argentinosaurus. Southern Argentina is home to the biggest Dinosaurs. Biggest Dino carnovore: Giganotosaurus meaning: giant southern lizard Biggest Dino herbivore: Argengentinosaurus meaning: Argentina lizard Area of both: Southern Argentina If you thought T-rex or Brachiosaurus was you were wrong.
"Villa la Nata" does not have a specific meaning or commonly recognized significance. It could be a proper name or a fictional place.
In the north subtropical in the south a subartic climate. Meaning that Argentina is not hot, its not freezing either. Argentina is midway. It is on the very bottom of south America, so kind of far from the equator. But that doesn't mean its cold.
Argentina's name is derived from the Latin word "argentum," meaning silver. This is due to the early Spanish explorers in the region who believed they would find silver there, although it turned out to be a mistaken assumption.
>The city of Argentina