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When the analog is on on the controller, that means you can use the joysticks. If it is off, then the joysticks are disabled.

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Q: What does analog mean on the ps2?
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How do you put ps2 analog stick on psp?

You can not do it

What are ps2 controls for ps2?

Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Start, Select, Left analog stick, Right analog stick, Directional buttons, R1, R2, L1, L2, and analog button.

Does the word analog on the ps2 controller mean it will not work after February 2009?

No it does not the controller will still work. that system is for TV reception and even Analog TVs will work with the new digital box

What does the analog button do on PS2 controllers?

turns them on quicker

What is r3 on a ps2 controlar?

right analog stick pressed in

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analog sticks

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Move right analog stick

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you press down on the left analog stick

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Dual-Shock 2 Analog Controllers

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The right analog stick.

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there r no r3 n ps2 there are right analog stick which is 'r' then comes r1 on the right side corner then r2

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Press the right analog stick.