You need to be more specific. It may mean it needs charged or even it means it is recording but I would consider looking at the manual
Televison Camera
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.
Transfer video to your computer from the camera. Launch the application. Create a new project, give a title and edit your video. Drag and drop video clips on the Timeline. Add background, transition and credits. Publish the video.
It is a file of a movie or a video clip taken from a camera, or uploaded from an old movie system. Then the video clips can be viewed on a computer.
Yes They Ipad and The Ipad 2 both have the capability to record video's and take photos due to they both have a front camera and also a front camera for facetime etc. Ian
it is on video camera
means it's dead.. see YouTube video on related link and additional video also secrets of PS3 link
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.
The camera records light. Without light, there would be no image.
nice video on the yellow light .
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.
In the past, cameras took still photos and videos by focusing light on film. Now, in a CCD video camera, the lens of the camera focuses light onto a small CCD sensor. CCD stands for "charge-coupled device."
Televison Camera
Obviously a Video Camera.Much better Quality than a normal camera with a video function.
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.
nice video on the yellow light hope it helps.