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In William Shakespeare's play Hamlet,

Polonius is speaking to his son Laertes who is leaving to go to University in Paris in act 1, scene iii when, in the course of giving him advice on how to live and behave himself while abroad, he says....

Neither a borrower nor a lender be;

For loan oft loses both itself and friend

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

He did, but he was quoting Shakespeare. Hamlet Act I scene III Polonius is giving his son Laertes advice.

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15y ago

Polonius is full of good advice. He tells his son Laertes never to lend money or borrow it. If you lend it, you often won't get it back. If you borrow it, it makes you less careful in how you manage your money.

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14y ago

The famous quote made by William Shakespeare "Neither a borrow nor a lender be" means don't borrow and don't lend. Polonius goes on to explain that if you lend money to a friend, you will lose both the money and the friend (who will avoid paying you back by avoiding you), and if you borrow you will fall of out of the habit of saving for purchases.

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15y ago

"Neither borrower nor lender be" is from the scene in Hamlet where Polonius gives his son Laertes advice before he returns to university in France.

It means don't borrow money and don't lend money.

Polonius goes on to explain his reasoning. He says that lending money to a friend often loses one both the money and the friend, and that borrowing "dulls the edge of husbandry"--in other words, borrowing money gets you out of the habit of spending wisely and saving money.

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13y ago

Neither a borrower nor a lender be; orignated from William Shakespeare's Hamlet, in 1602.

Lord Polonius stated : Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.

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13y ago

Not banks or the American government, to be sure. The quotation is from Shakespeare's Hamlet and is part of a long-winded and tedious set of advice offered by the long-winded and tedious advisor Polonius to his son Laertes, who is trying to get on his boat for France. Polonius is a windbag who just likes to hear himself talk, and who often does not believe what he is saying. He is also frequently wrong. Therefore, feel free to disagree heartily with what he says.

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14y ago

Just what it says. He suggests that you should not lend to anyone or to borrow from them. Whether you agree with this depends on your own views.

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What does the phrase Borrower to confirm no new debt incurred mean?

That means that you will sign a document with the wording to the effect that your finances are the same as they were stated on the application. That means, that since then you have not purchased a vehicle or other item that will require you to make payments.

Is a common anode better then a common cathode?

Neither one is "better" than the other, it simply means the circuit will have a different layout/components if you choose one over the other.

Why do people in India shake their heads side to side?

It means maybe yes, maybe no, maybe neither, maybe both. It's a way of answering without really answering.

What is Doubt thou the stars are fire doubt that the sun doth move doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt you love In shakespeares Hamlet?

As far as I know its about Hamlets love for Ophelia (or alleged love). It means you can doubt the stars are made of fire, doubt the sun does move (like they believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth), doubt that the truth is a lie but that the basic idea of love is real. If that answers your question??

In the Bones episode The Babe in the Bar what does Brennan say in German?

Here are the original lines: Booth: She's traveling with the president of the United States. She's in Munich until the weekend. Brennan: I love Munich. Ich liebe Bayern! Und Sie? Booth: So, Angela find any missing persons? Brennan: Ja. Aber sie fand keine…No match. "Ich liebe Bayern! Und Sie?" means "I love Bavaria! And you?" "Ja. Aber sie fand keine." means "Yes. But she found none/neither (I haven't seen the episode, so I'm not sure if none or neither would be the correct word here)."

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