You can watch episodes on DVD.
An anime/manga series that was created by Hiroyuki Takei and published by Shonen-Jump. Shaman King revolves around a young boy, about 13, named Yoh Asakura, who is a shaman, a powerful magician who can control and revive spirits. He soon meets Manta (Mortimer in the anime), who can also see spirits as a human. He then takes over spirits and makes his path to be Shaman King, someone who can commune with God, and change the world.
His name was Rafiki. He was the shaman of the animal world
everyone has been waiting all there lives for the second season of shaman king to start but it never did. hopefully the creators of shaman king will realise there mistake and make a second season
The Shaman King anime has 64 episodes.
what is shaman king intro song called what is shaman king intro song called what is shaman king intro song called
Shaman King ended after 64 episodes, that's the complete anime version of the story.
w many levels are in shaman king power of spirit
It's very unlikely as the ending of shaman king was unclear and the manga not properly finished
The answer to that would be- it is not
Yoh kisses Anna in Chapter 285 of the "Shaman King" manga series.
Yes it is
"Shaman King" follows the story of Yoh Asakura, a young shaman who competes in a tournament to become the Shaman King and gain the ability to communicate with the Great Spirit. Along the way, he forms alliances and battles rival shamans to achieve his goal. The series explores themes of friendship, destiny, and the balance between the human world and the spirit world.