Generally it means the mother has sole custody with limited access to the father.
who can access classified data
The duration of Access Granted is 1800.0 seconds.
what is an access code
I'm not sure what you mean. Your access point most likely broadcasts a ssid. When you name your connection on your psp, it does not have to have the same name as the ssid.
To access something quickly?
I think you mean axis, not access.
CWINDOWSsystem32vtaxrflldll access denied. Means that you do not have admin rights.
random access memory
Means unrestricted access
There are no access specifiers in C. All functions and data are public.
restricted access mean to say that to access the unauthorised site or anything else which we do not have rights
I think you mean WI-FI. It's just a nickname for wireless access. If your laptop is WI-FI capable then it can access wireless access points. Generally for Internet access.
When writing a bibliography, the date of access would be when the writer first visited a particular website. For example in the below citation, "03 May 2010" would be the date of access"WikiAnswers - What Does Date of Access Mean." WikiAnswers - The Q&A Wiki. Web. 03 May 2010. >.
Revoke Access is putting an end to the object that access. for example: i give a man the right to shake my hand i have the right to revoke it/ to take it away
it means it can connect to internet