The Mists of Pandaria expansion (release date September 25, 2012) will add:
* The Pandaren Race with their own starting zone, Wandering Isle
* The Monk class, available to all races except Worgen and Goblins
* Updated models for the older races
* Level to 90 in Pandaria
* Pet battles where your companion pets can compete and level up
* New dungeons and raids
* Challenge Mode dungeons to show how good you are with good-looking gear as reward
* Updated classic dungeon: Scholomance
And much, much more
Franklin Square, New York
Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! ended on February 21, 2010.
'wow your into motorcycles now.'
people were similar in ways that both motivated by similar things such as mix of desire to get new markets.
Micheal jackson
There is no expansion Burning Legion. The expansions are (in order): Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, and Cataclysm.
yes,how did u not know that -.-
Nope, you will need a credit card to buy the WOW expansions.
Yes there probably is because in the FAQ in WoW Cata, it had a question which asked if there was going to be a new hero class. Blizzard said that in Cata they were focusing in the classes and races to add changes or to alter the game play of them. They also stated that there might be a new hero class in the future which sounds like hints that they are going to make a new expansion. We have to wait it out and see.
UNLESS you are installing Wrath of the Lich king expansion of which there IS only one, there are 6 CDs for WoW, and 4-5 for WoW: Burning Crusade expansion it will need them all, so that might be why, or clear out any unneccesary items on your C: Drive
No - it was just announced.Blizzard usually does this 6 months to a year out.
To download WOW MOP you must have a WOW account and the expansion purchased. After that all you do is login to, go to account page, select your account, then click install wow client on the right plane.
Wow oh wow
In World of Warcraft, Worgen is a racial option that becomes available when you have the Cataclysm expansion installed and your account is upgraded to include Cataclysm. When you make a new character, Worgen and Goblin will then be options for you to choose as a race.
That depends what you mean by the question. Yes, you still have to buy the expansion disc to access its features but no, there is no additional payment on top of the usual monthly payment.
Sign up on the wow website and pay the monthly fee. by the way, the latest expansion is wrath of the lich king with cataclysm due to be release later this year (hopefully).
If you have all of the previous expansions, you can log into your account, find your WoW game management and digitally upgrade to Cataclysm. Or you can buy the expansion pack at a store.