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After you get the new pokedex you have to go to one island then talk to cleo the person that is in the pokecenter on that island after you do that you have to go to moltres place then talk to the two team rockets they have dug a hole battle them win then go in the hole and get the ruby after you get the ruby give it to cleo he will give you the tickit to go to all of the islands and a new part of the map.After that go to the 6th island you will need cut go to the dotted hole cut that door then there willbe 4 holes you have to go down them in this order up left right and down get the sappire then team rocket will take it from you.After that go to the team rocket warehouse and solve the puzzle and get the sapphire give it to cleo and have fun and explore.

tip; to get suicne the easy way you can't get articuno and the easy way is get waterfall from 4 island and then go to the fake seafom islands and then use it on the waterfall you will go on it save and get ready to kill or catch sucine

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Try to fill the pokedex and catch legendaries

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you can finish the Sinnoh Dex, go to the fight area by going to Snowpoint's port and you can do so much more when you have the national dex

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What pokedex is after the national pokedex?

there isn't, national is the final upgrade for the pokedex

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You need to for the National Pokedex, but not the Sinnoh Pokedex.

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press switch pokedex on the national pokedex and you will be using the sinnoh pokedex

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we get national pokedex after defeating indigo plateau!!

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you complete the national pokedex

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You have to complete the Sinnoh pokedex before haveing the national pokedex.

How do you get the national pokedex Pokemon pearl?

by finishing the first pokedex and then professor oak give you the national pokedex

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Gyarados is #130 in the National Pokedex.

How many Pokemon are there in national pokedex?

There are currently 493 in the National Pokedex.

How do you get national pokedex in Pokemon Pearl?

how do you et national pokedex in Pokemon pearl? finish your sinnoh pokedex and either proffessor rowan will give you the national pokedex, or prof. oak

Do you need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier in Pokemon platinum?

You do need the national pokedex for the Pokemon modifier. the Pokemon modifier uses the national pokedex numbes. you can not use the sinno pokedex.

What is the national pokedex number for Sudowoodo?

Budew is #406 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass-Poison type Pokemon.