Like the letters of the alphabet. There are also two that look like "?" and "!".
catch all the different unowns at lower right in the ruins.
i havn't done it yet but if you catch all the unowns and go to the ruin maniac in ruin maniac cave, he'll most likely give you something nice
it is really easy to figure out. each UNOWN looks like a letter. There are basically pictures on the walls of unowns. You just need to look at it closely and solve it on a piece of paper. that is all that I did.
To get the azure flute you will need to catch all of the unowns and show to the man who is wanting a race.Hewill give it to you, when you get all 26.
You need to go to the side of Cycling Road then go in, then keep on going up the stairs. And eat a cookie with milk! Josh is a freckle
letters of the alphabet a-z
The Unowns look like the alphabet; yet there are two Unowns that look like an exclamation point and a question mark.
NOTHING CHECKLIST All 26 unowns All 8 puzzles done All puntuation unowns then NOTHING
they are the whole alphabet
no you do not
they are Pokemon shaped like letters
Inside the ruins there is a chart with a message on it. Base the letters off of that. They mostly look like the letters that they are though.
you get pregnant
the ruin maniac guuy digs a new tunnel and new unowns come.
if you catch all 28 unknown, including the exclamation mark and question mark unowns, the unowns will spell the alphabet and question & exclamation mark unowns i really dont know what they do.
Even if you do capture all the unowns, you still cant get a celebii. You just get 2 more unowns, a ? and a !
you catch unowns just to fill out your unown notes. nothing happens when you catch all 28 of them including ! and ?