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The Treaty of Amsterdam was approved by the European Council held in Amsterdam on16-17 June 1997 and signed on 2 October 1997 by the Foreign Ministers of the fifteen member countries of the European Union. On 1 May 1999, it came into force having been ratified by all the member States, following their own constitutional rules. The Treaty of Amsterdam has as main objective to modify certain regulations of the Treaty of the European Union, the constituent treaties of the European Communities (Paris and Rome) and of some acts related to them.

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Morey Amsterdam's birth name is Moritz Amsterdam.

If it is 10am in Atlanta what time is it in Amsterdam?

It would be 4pm in Amsterdam if it is 10am in Atlanta. Amsterdam is 6 hours ahead of Atlanta.

Was Amsterdam made before new Amsterdam?

Yes Amsterdam is older than New Amsterdam (New York). The earliest recorded use of the name "Amsterdam" is from a certificate dated 27 October 1275. New Amsterdam was founded on the 17th century.

What is the city of Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is the capital city of the country the Netherlands. So Amsterdam doesn't have a capital.