Dine' ( Navajo) people grew ( and grow today) corn, squash and beans. They raised (and raise today) sheep and goats for food and wool. They also gathered wild foods such as yucca fruit and teas and deer and rabbits. Some people still do this today for dyes, teas and medicine, mainly.
The Maori were the first peoples to come to New Zealand.
And they ate birds, berries, fruits, fish and vegetables.
I really don't know what NZ Dotterels eat. If you could give me an answer that would be great, but there is not really a way for you to give it to me unless you have a moshi monster. I do. Add me and if you know what the NZ Dotterel eats please tell me. My monsters name is jdellarls1234567890. Thanks and bye!
In canoes or "waka" (Maori word for boat). They started in Asia, where they island jumped through the Polynesian islands.
Resistance by the Maoris
The native people and minority are the maoris
Eleven, but four were Maoris
Maoris people lived in NZ in 1300s
the maori used to eat alot of things e.g huhu grubs sea life mussels and alot of things
It already came out in NZ. I think.
The maoris eated moa in new zealand.
people in nz eat kiwifruit and many other exotic fruit. they also eat lamb
When the Maori people came to Nz, they brought rats along with them so they were already introduced. Hope that helps
Yes, like other indigenous minority cultures in post-Colonial nations, Maori have always been the target of racism in New Zealand society and still are.
less than 1400 came to nz in 2008 less than 1400 came to nz in 2008
He's an athlete for NZ, and i think he came from NZ, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
No, maoris is a noun. One word cannot be a phrase