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John Cabot probably landed on southern Labrador or Cape Breton Island on his search for a northern route to Asia. He claimed the land for Henry VII. He may have landed on North America on a later voyage, but most records indicate that he was lost at sea on his return voyage.

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The most widely held view is that he landed in Newfoundland but there are many who say that he landed in Nova Scotia.

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Newfoundland, and Nova Scotia. :)

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Q: What did John Cabot find in Eastern Canada?
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What year did john Cabot find Canada?


Was john Cabot the first personne to find Canada?

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what did john cabot find

What find john Cabot find?

John Cabot found the New Foundlands. Now known as Canada. He wanted to find another route to Japan and China but instead he found Canada. John also sailed to the Americas right after Christopher Columbus. By Justice Henderson

What was John Cabot's obstacles?

John Cabot's obstacle was that he faced strong eastern winds when trying to find the Northwest Passage to the Indies.

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Why did John Cabot sail there?

He was trying to find Aisa but got lost and landed in the newfoundland, Canada

Did john Cabot find what he was looking for?

yes john cabot did find gold and minerals

Who sent john Cabot to find Asia?

england sent john cabot

Where can you find john Cabot pictures?

You can find a picture of John Cabot on or on There is no color face portraits of him though.

What bodies of water did john Cabot find?

John Cabot sailed the oceans there are no "county regions" in the oceans.

What motivated john Cabot to explore?

What motivated john Cabot to explore was to find a direct route to Asia.