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Henry the Navigator (1394-1460). He was a Portuguese prince noted for sponsoring voyages of discovery among the Madeira Islands and along the western coast of Africa. He helped develop the caravel sailing vessel and also advanced map making and improved navigational instruments. In doing this commerce by sea was developed considerably. He was also the designer of a grand strategy, whereby Christian Europe outflanked the power of Islam by establishing contact with Africa south of the Sahara and with Asia

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Prince Henry the Navigator opened a navigation school and believed that if explorers could find a way around Africa then there might be a shortcut to Asia

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Discuss two of prince Henry the navigator main achievement?

Because of prince Henry the navigator,Portugal became the first country to explore.

Was Prince Henry called the navigator?

No. Henry the Navigator was a Portuguese Prince.

Did Henry the navigator actually sail or explore the Americas?

yes he did sail but he sailed to explore the america and he traveled on the challenger

When did Henry the navigator explore the coast of Africa?

Somewhere around his birthday in 1415-1419

What years did Prince Henry the navigator explore?

1418 he started the 'school of navigation' then started to explore west Africa later that year.

Where did Prince Henry the navigator wanted to go?

Prince Henry the Navigator wanted to explore Africa and find the source of the gold trade of West Africa.. He wanted to find the Christian kingdom of Prester John.

Where did Henry the navigator explore?

I'm don't know all the places he explored but i do know that he explored Africa .

Where did Henry navigator explore?

I'm don't know all the places he explored but i do know that he explored Africa .