The TV show Star Trek was first made in 1966 but the first Star Wars film cam out in May 25 , 1977, while the first Star Trek film came out in December 7, 1979
Star trek
First shown on Sept 28 1987, the episode was called 'Encounter at Farpoint' and is often shown in two parts. Humanity, represented by Captain Picard, is put on trial for savagery by the omnipotent being, Q.
Star Trek: First Contact
"Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" (1986)
The TV show Star Trek was first made in 1966 but the first Star Wars film cam out in May 25 , 1977, while the first Star Trek film came out in December 7, 1979
'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' was released in 1979 .
The posted gross for Star Trek: First Contact was $150 Million.
Star trek
Star trek II
Star Trek
The Enterprise is a starship that is used in the Star Trek science fiction movie's. Formally named the USS Enterprise, the ship has appeared in several Star Trek movie's. The first movie featuring the USS Enterprise is simply named 'Star Trek- The Motion Picture'.
Star Trek Movie Memories was created in 1994.
Star Trek
Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto star in the new Star Trek movie.
It would be beneficial to watch the first movie of the trilogy, but it is not necessarily required. You don't need to have watched the first movie to understand the basic plot.
The movie that spoofed Star Trek would probably be Galaxy Quest.