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The United States of America

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Q: Name the country directly south of Canada?
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What is the name of the country to south of ours which is north America?

if you are in the USA the country directly south of you is Mexico (North America is the continent) If you are in Canada the country directly south of you is the USA

What is the name of country that borders Canada to the south is the?


What is the name of the country for Canada?

Canada is its own country and it is called Canada.

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What country lies to the South of the US?

Cuba.CubaCubaCuba is due south.Cuba.The country that is directly south of Florida is the country of Cuba. Cuba's official name is actually the Republic of Cuba.

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As the name suggests, the country of South Africa is located on the southern tip of the continent of Africa, located directly below Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Namibia.

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What is the of name of the continent that Canada is a part of?

Canada is the largest country in North America. Some classifications combine North America and South America into a single continent, named America.

What country does the name tanner originate?

The country of Canada!

What country has two A's in its name?

Canada is a country that has two A's in its name.

What is the name of the country south of Latvia?

The country south of Latvia is Lithuania.