Total Drama Island is a Canadian cartoon show. In Canada it premiered on Teletoon in 2007. In America however, it aired on Cartoon Network in 2008. Sometimes the show's title is shortened to TDI.
Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action and, Total Drama World Tour. A new season is being made. It was originally called Total Drama Reloaded, but was changed to Total Drama Revenge of the Island
Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.
tell me who gay on total drama island
The final seven on Total Drama Island are
Total Drama Island was created on 2007-07-08.
The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.
Total Drama Island, Total Drama Action and, Total Drama World Tour. A new season is being made. It was originally called Total Drama Reloaded, but was changed to Total Drama Revenge of the Island
Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.
I believe Cartoon Network has that show on. CN had all the other Total Dramas on there .
There is no total drama island 4..its supposed to be coming sonne its called total drama revenge of the island ( total drama reloaded)
Total Drama Revenge of the Island
you cant be on total drama island silly.
tell me who gay on total drama island
Total Drama Island happened in 2007.
yes but it is not called total drama island it is called total drama world tour
The final seven on Total Drama Island are
Duncan from total drama island is 17. He went to jail several times and he likes Courtney from total drama island.