Male Monfernape can only breed with Ditto but female Monfernape can breed with any Pokémon in the Field Egg Group and they are Rattata, Ekans, Vulpix, Growlithe, Sandshrew, Meowth and in the Human or Human-like Egg Group which are Abra, Machop, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Drowzee, Mr. Mime, Magmar, Electabuzz, Makuhita, Meditite, Sableye, Spinda, Cacnea, Chimchar, Illumise, Volbeat, Buneary, Lucario, Croagunk, Timburr, Sawk, Throh, Gothita, Elgyem, Mienfoo, Pawniard, Pancham and Hawlucha.
breed it with a ditto
Just breed a Beldum, Metang or Metagross with a Ditto in the daycare, or with one of the pokemon in the Mineral egg group.
No, only in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire.
You can either: Migrate from FireRed or LeafGreen Or Get a Charmeleon and breed with a Ditto to receive a baby Charmander
In the monfernape tree.
Firstly: The poke'mons name isn't Monfernape it's "Monferno". Secondly: "Monferno" evolves into Infernape when it reaches level 36.
Any Pokemon that can breed, can breed with Ditto.
No its just the easiest Pokemon to breed with.
breed with a boy and girl or a ditto breed with a boy and girl or a ditto
you can't
it will be the female Pokemon
Almost about any Pokemon can be breeded with Ditto. You can breed it with Eevee, and Phione, and a lot more!
Get It To Breed In The Daycare And Talk To The Man Outside. (alot of Pokemon breed with ditto)
NOPE, not in Pokemon pearl.