Barley Candy and Chicken Bones are two types of candy that Canadians eat at Christmastime. Chicken Bones are pink cinnamon-flavored candies, and Barley Candy is usually on a stick and in the shape of snowmen, etc.
episode 35
It was in "The Great Outdoors". He ate the largest steak at a restaurant for a free dinner and his brother-in-law , Dan Aykroyd, asked the waitress if they could get him to eat a dessert afterwards could they get some free t-shirts thrown in.
The round large foil wrapped ones are ring dings.
because it reminds them of home Snickers are a brand of candy bar. People eat them mostly for fun, more than for their nutritional value.
Yes, Pakistanis eat candy.
yes cows can eat candy
I can eat 20 pieces of candy!
When its candy time!!!!Or in a candy shop!
its not healthy at all for rats to eat sugar candy or any candy for that matter. Rats are susseptable to diabetes and ever cancer, so its always best to stick to your local pet stores brand of food and fruits and vegetables as treats to keep your rat healthy
=the uses of candy is you eat them=
They eat candy and pose.
Its measures how much candy you can eat,without pukeing!Its measures how much candy you can eat,without pukeing!
nahhh see magic elves eat candy corn, only regular elves eat candy canes.
you don,t eat a candy you faling. to go to the bathromok
Its measures how much candy you can eat,without pukeing!Its measures how much candy you can eat,without pukeing!