The darker complete shadow is the "umbra". The lighter partial shadow is the penumbra.
The hotter the temperature the darker the colour and the colder the temperature the brighter/more blue the colour so if it is going to be hot some where when you look on a weather radar then it will be darker in that are and if it is colder it will be brighter/more blue.
The blue gets deeper with altitude. Higher up the sky becomes darker blue as less light is scattered by the thinner atmosphere.
Snooki's darker than Pauly!
The Scarecrow says this, in response to Dorothy's comment on the dark creepiness of the forest. This leads into their singing Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh, my!, with the Tin Woodman. And then onto the road leaps the Cowardly Lion.
Urine becomes darker only if you are dehydrated. Drink more water and the waste becomes a lighter color. When you are dehydrated (Darker color) your urine is more acidic than normal.
A stain typically dries darker.
A stain typically dries darker.
Lighter colors reflect some heat while darker colors absorb it.
Darker or heavier depending on meaning of lighter
Darker colors absorb more heat energy from sunlight than lighter colors. When the heat source, such as sunlight, is removed, darker colors also release that absorbed heat more quickly than lighter colors. This is why darker colors cool down faster than lighter colors.
depends on if you are going lighter or darker from your original hair color. if lighter do a 20 if darker do a 10