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There are several factors which should be considered in determining if men are better than women. All the arguments presented below work just as well for racial, cultural, religious, and ethnic comparisons.

SPOILER ALERT: Neither is better, individuals exhibit skills independent of which side of any arbitrary line you put them.

Size and Strength:

Due to the biological differences beween men and women - aside from the reproductive roles - the median man is generally larger and stronger than the median woman in any cultural or racial group. However, there is considerable overlap in physical size and strength between individuals in any population. Aside from a statement containing the proviso "on average" there is no clear winner in this area. Humanity is not a strongly sexually dimorphic animal.


Women are often said to be better at small muscle work (sewing, electronic component assembly, etc.). Again this is an individual physical trait and exemplars of clumsy women and dexterious men are easily found. In addition, there is cultural bias where women are trained in small muscle work in their youth.

Emotional Traits:

Cultural inculcation trains young women to be "nicer" and young boys to be "tough". It is not inherent in them, the adoption of a "role" is not indicative of superiority.

There is evidence that hormonal changes iduring the reproductive cycle may impact women - this is chemically induced and not necessarily a "brain wiring" issue. Neither side wins in this race


An area highly dependant on cultural expectations and training.


The range of human intellect is normally distributed throughout the population. Measures for intellect (IQ tests and similar) are often produced by individuals with cultural and experience leanings that lead to biased results. Test subjects also are influenced by these same training biases (Girl can't do math)


Individual men and women have different strengths and weaknesses. The ideal situation is to have individuals of both sexes cooperate and share their complementary strengths.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

You can almost spot the differences straight away.

External Features that differ:

Woman have larger breats. Down between the legs a man holds a penis; the long, stiff thing you find dropping from his groin. Hanging off this are two testicles, they are what produce the men's sex hormones. For a women, they lay a vahina. A small slit allowing acess into her body.

A man is normally seen a being broad and muscular. While a woman is more skinny and fragile.

Internal Features:

A man holds one less the rib than a woman from birth. Down lower a women has what's called a womb. When she herself becomes pregent a baby is formed here. A man does not have this.

A woman's hips are also wider than that of a man. Allowing the young baby to easily come out at birth

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well, if you believe your gender is slightly not what you were told, yes you could.. have surgery like the man, on Taboo.

But, if you asked the last person who edited this, yes he is a man.

Humans can be a male or a woman. Whatever you are, respect yourself.

I am a "girl" completely. Not a woman, exactly. But whatever you are, it's okay.

If you think you were born and you think you are the opposite gender, I believe it is okay to think that, everyone is unique and there is no one to stop you.

I am a girl and there's only two sides. A man or a woman. If you are both half man, woman that's a bit unusual for "me". But you can believe in yourself and not care what others think. Whether you are a man or woman, everyone has a mind, everyone is unique, everyone is who they are, everyone believes in their own self. Hope this helped.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

a man lies more than a woman because a man wants to try to grab the attention of the woman and try to empress her.

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