Shut up no one even knows the answer i had to check every website to find it just doesnt come out it is all because of a mean teacher called ms.leaNne
ITC India Godfery Phillips India
Top 5 Most Developed state in IndiaUpdated on June 12, 2014S.No. Name of state in India( 1 ) Goa( 2 ) Kerala( 3 ) Tamil Nadu
Hinduism, Islam, Sikkhism, Buddhism and Jainism.
The top 5 natural resources are: water, forests, minerals (such as coal, oil, and natural gas), land, and biodiversity (including plants and animals). These resources are essential for supporting life on Earth and for human development.
Natural gas, oil, and coal make up the top three.
Well from what i know they are gold silver medal copper and wood. This is 100% true.
Natural Resources in the Coastal Plains in Texas are:1. Oil2. Natural gas3. Petrochemicals4. Citrus5. Limestone6. *Cattle industry (not natural resource)7. *Technology and Education (not natural resource)As far as I know and learned, the first 5 top the list.
I know what you are doing, you have a school project or a piece of homework that you cant find the answers to so you put the question on wikianswers its okay though everyone does it.
ITC India Godfery Phillips India
The natural resources of region includes rice, corn, vegetables and fruits generally. Limestone is another natural resource of region 1.
The countries with the most natural resources vary based on the type of resource. However, some of the countries known for abundant natural resources include Russia, United States, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia, China, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, and Iraq. These countries have diverse resources ranging from oil and minerals to agricultural products.
don't no