There are a few similarities between Arabs and Persians. Some of these similarities are, each nationality use the same alphabet, they both have darker skin, and they both live in the Middle East.
Both states are Islamic theocracies. Iran is a direct theocracy, where the most powerful individuals in the government are the Ayatollahs, and Saudi Arabia is an indirect theocracy where the Wahhabi Clerics have incredible authority, but direct power is vested in the secular King. The forms of Islam that are in power in both Iran and Saudi Arabia are both fundamentalist, but they are of different strands. Iran is run by fundamentalist Twelver Ja'afari Shiite Muslims and Saudi Arabia is run by fundamentalist Wahhabi Hanbali Sunni Muslims. This results in key differences between the regimes and mutual hatred between them.
what is the similarities between the ulna and the radius
There are zero similarities between the two.
similarities between kangaroo and human
The similarities between summer and winter is that you could do different activities.
Arabs converted to Islam before Persians did. By 633 CE, almost all Arabian Arabs were Muslims, but almost all Persians were Zoroastrians.
No. Persians and Arabs are distinct ethnicities. Persians are an Indo-European people who speak an Indo-European language (like most Europeans) whereas Arabs are a Semitic people who speak a Semitic language.
Kurds, Arabs, and Persians are ethnic groups that are primarily focused in the Middle East. Kurds are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslims, but there are minorities of Shiite Kurds (especially in Iran), Alevi Kurds, Yezidi Kurds, Yarsan Kurds, and other religious minorities. There are some Jewish Kurds who predominantly live in Israel. Arabs are predominantly Sunni Muslims, but there are large minorities of Shiite Muslim Arabs, especially in Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. There are also Ibadi Muslim Arabs, Alawite Arabs, numerous Christian Arabs, Druze Arabs, Baha'i Arabs, and other minority religions. Persians are overwhelmingly Shiite Muslims, but there are minorities of Sunni Persians, Jewish Persians, and several other minority religions.
Kurds, Arabs, and Persians are ethnic groups that are primarily focused in the Middle East. Kurds are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslims, but there are minorities of Shiite Kurds (especially in Iran), Alevi Kurds, Yezidi Kurds, Yarsan Kurds, and other religious minorities. There are some Jewish Kurds who predominantly live in Israel. Arabs are predominantly Sunni Muslims, but there are large minorities of Shiite Muslim Arabs, especially in Iraq, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait. There are also Ibadi Muslim Arabs, Alawite Arabs, numerous Christian Arabs, Druze Arabs, Baha'i Arabs, and other minority religions. Persians are overwhelmingly Shiite Muslims, but there are minorities of Sunni Persians, Jewish Persians, and several other minority religions.
Arabs (420 million) are more numerous than Kurds (35 million) and Persians (70 million).
Iraqis are Arabs and speak Arabic. Iranians are Persians and speak Farsi.
Islam (muslims)
The Turks, mongols, Arabs, Persians, more Arabs and barbarians.
No. Pashtuns are a Central Asian people and share much more in common with Persians, Kurds, and Qashqai then with Arabs.