in reality...our earth's crust is divided into many small large and small fragments,called tectonic plates. their extremely slow movement is responsible for change in shape of continents in every million or billion years and earthquakes and in few cases,volcanic eruptions in present days,
in pokemon,these are different elemental plates found by searching, and digging underground....they give a boost in attack acc to their type,like zap plate boosts electrical attacks,and,if given to arceus(a legendary event only pokemon),changes the type of his special attack called "judgement"
There are deserts on every continent on earth and all occur at different longitudes.
They were formed when the earth's plates collided with each other.
There are 16, one for each type
No, you do not need all of the plates to catch Arceus. You can use the plates to change Arceus' type, though. Arceus is only available by event (which has long since passed). You can also use an AR (action replay) to hack the game and get an Arceus, all without plates.
Yes Arceas can change types with the plates u find on u'r journy
that the earth crust are made up of all different plates
all plates have different boundaries.
Its surface would look like that of the Moon, Mars or Mercury all of which do not have tectonic plates and a fixed crust.
Earthquakes occur when a shift in the earth's crust causes tremors to rock the surface of the earth around the shift. Since the Earth's crust is divided into different plates, and these plates move around (very slowly) on the earth, there are earthquakes. Also, since there are different parts that the plates meet at, there are certain "hotspots" where more earthquakes happen (where the plates meet).
Tectonic or lithospheric plates.
All tectonic plates are part of the Earth crust.
No! of course not, you see tectonic plates were discovered over 9000 years ago by scientist Seymour Bootay. Earth plates are much different. they were discovered in 1969 by the aurthor of the famous book "yellow river": I.P. Daily.
The plates in earth are located in the litmosphere.
Every planet has a different terrain and a different set of tectonic plates.
the plates of the earth is the bottom of claled the phone