It is around half a percent for its the Birth Rate of Canada over that of the average birth rate of the world.
Chester A Artur
yes the child can get citizenship of Canada eventhough he born for pakistanees.
No. The correct English is "I was born in Canada" and "You were born in Canada."
By being born in Canada, the baby has automatically become a Canadian citizen. This is irrespective of the child's parents' being non citizens or work permit holders. This kind of birthright citizenship is not only applicable for Canada but for several other countries also.
peter jennings born in Toronto Canada July 29,1938
There are no odds. It just happens.
1 in 365.242199
The odds of that happening are one in a million
1 in 365
The odds of being born are astronomicaly low the average man shoots around 20 million sperm. 1 in 20million, but no. Think of it in lower depths the odds of your parents meeting and doing the naughty. Your grandparents being born your great great great great x20 grandparents being born/ meeting eachother. The earth being created. Everything we know. It could be 1 in 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 for all we know.
In a leap year is 1 in 4 odds On 29th February is 1 in 365 + 365 + 365 + 366 = 1 in 1,461 odds
1 in 730
The odds of me being pregnant are 0 as I am male.
The odds of a baby being born on February 29, a leap day, are approximately 1 in 1,461, as it only occurs once every four years.
Alex Trebek
Odds Bodkin was born on February 14, 1953.
even ^lol above Go on to USNWR or the UN's website and find out how many children were born that year. Then find out how many of those children were born in the US. babies in US/babies=odds you were born in the US