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In the first movie,Ice Age,the characters are Manfred (aka 'Manny') the Wooly Mammoth, Sid the Giant Ground Sloth, Diego,Soto,Zeke, Oscar,and Lenny the Smilodons, Scrat the Sabre-Toothed Squirrel, Frank and Carl the Brontops, and Rachel and Jennifer the female Giant Ground Sloths. The baby boy's name is Roshan. He is nicknamed "Pinky" by Manny, Sid,and Diego.

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Manfred the Woolly Mammoth is a woolly mammoth, shown as one of the main characters in all three Ice Age films. While his true name is Manfred, his friends refer to him simply as "Manny". He finds love in Ice Age: The Meltdown. In the Dawn of the Dinosaurs, he has a daughter named Peaches.


Sid the Sloth is a Megatherium shown in all three films as one of the main characters. Sid is portrayed as unattractive, unfit, and unintelligent. While he is always called "Sid," Sid's full name is "Sidney," as revealed by his would-be paramour, Sylvia (who pursued him throughout one version of the first movie's plot). He unsuccessfully tries to make a fire at the start of the first film and learns how to do it properly towards the end, he also shows this skill in the second film. In the second film he opened up a Summer Camp but Manny refused to believe that Sid would succeed in it. Sid is voiced by John Leguizamo.


Diego the Saber-Toothed Tiger is a saber-toothed cat, who was one of the main characters in all of the three films. He has a somewhat sarcastic personality, although most of the time it is not intended to be malicious. He conquered his hydrophobia in the second film. He is voiced by Denis Leary.


Scrat the Saber-Toothed Squirrel is a saber-toothed squirrel shown all three films. He is commonly shown in scenes, involving Manfred, Sid, and the rest, but never interacts with them directly with a few exceptions. Scrat is usually seen trying to bury his beloved acorn. In the first film, he mistakes a painting of an acorn for his own, after he was on an ice slide with Manny Sid and Diego but instead just hits the wall.

Characters who only appeared in the first film


Roshan (nicknamed "Pinky or Squirt") was the baby Manfred, Sid and Diego returned to his father.

Roshan was the son of a human tribe leader. While sleeping one morning, his tribe was attacked by a pack of Smilodon. The leader of the pack, Soto, wanted Roshan as revenge for Roshan's father, Runar, who killed half the pack and used their skin as clothing and their meat as food. Roshan's mother, Nadia, was able to fend off Diego, whose mission was to retrieve him. However, she was cornered over a waterfall, and in a desperate attempt to save her son, she leapt over the waterfall, holding Roshan tightly in her arms. They were both found by Manfred and Sid at the riverside, and using what little strength Nadia had left, she gave Roshan to Manfred and Sid in hopes that he would be safe with them.

Roshan's prime carer was Sid, the only member of the group who initially had any interest in him (Manny being too cynical to care and Diego secretly planning to kill him). Manny, after his previous experience with humans, was reluctant to have anything to do with Roshan, but eventually bonded with him. At the end of the movie, Roshan was reunited with his tribe - Runar was particularly happy that the baby had learned to walk during his time with Manny, Sid and Diego.


The deadly and dangerous leader of a pack of saber-toothed cats, Soto wanted to seek out the baby Roshan and his pack, so that he could eat Roshan in vengeance for the murders of several of his pack-mates. He is the main antagonist in the first film.

As part of his plan to take the baby, Soto planned out an attack on the human camp so that while he and three other saber-teeth would attack the humans, Diego would slip in, unnoticed, and take the baby. Diego failed at this task and Soto was not pleased, telling Diego to bring the baby to Half-Peak where he would meet with the others. Soto dispatched Oscar and Zeke, two other saber-teeth to warn Diego to hurry and bring the baby or not return at all, though was reciprocated with the news that alongside the baby, Soto would receive a mammoth.

Soto eventually made it with his pack to Half Peak and informed Diego that while he had his doubts, he was pleased that Diego had made it. Soon it would happen that unbeknownst to Soto, Diego was in league with both Manfred and Sid, and so Sid would lure Soto and his pack-mates away from both Manfred and the baby with a decoy made of snow.

Soto made his way to the end of the altercation in which he made an attempt to kill Manfred, but was stopped by Diego, whom he severely wounded. Thereafter, Manfred smacked Soto into a wall of ice, knocking loose a row of icicles, the sharp ice formations falling, and end up fatally impaling the sabertooth.


Zeke was a member of a pack of saber-toothed cats shown in the first film.

He was led by Soto, out to seek a human baby and kill it. Zeke was dark-gray and looked mangy, as well as acting the part of a suck up. It is revealed in a deleted scene that he, like the other members of his pack, wanted very much to follow the "walking buffet" south, but Soto would not hear of it. Zeke accompanied Oscar to tell Diego to hurry up and bring back the baby or not to come back. He soon made it along with the rest of his pack to Half Peak, where he tried to catch Sid and the baby, but was stopped by Sid after he was stomped into a tiny cave with his hindquarters sticking out. If he has not manage to free himself then he is presumed to have perished from starvation.


Oscar was a saber-toothed cat shown in the first film.

He was a member of Soto's pack of saber-toothed cats and was also the most haughty of all of them, doubting in Diego's abilities because he slipped up once in bringing the baby to Soto. In a deleted scene, he told his pack-mates of his disapproval of Soto's plans to stay and hunt humans instead of follow the migrating herd animals traveling south. Oscar was sent with Zeke to find Diego and warn him to hurry and bring the baby or not to come back at all. Oscar made it with the rest of the pack to Half Peak, where he attempted to kill Manfred, but was defeated as were the others. When he and Lenny saw Soto killed, the two ran off quickly, leaving Manfred, Sid, and a wounded Diego.


Lenny was a fat saber-toothed cat shown in the first film.

Lenny was one of Soto's pack members that would try to rob a human tribe of their baby as vengeance for killing off their pack mates. In the deleted scenes, it was revealed that he, like others in his pack, wanted very much to abandon their chase of the humans and their child so as to follow masses of migrating animals headed south.

Lenny was the fattest of his pack and like the others, made it to Half Peak, where he was repetitively told by Zeke the joys of the mammoth's meat. He fought at Half Peak, only to be defeated in trying to kill Manfred, and left with Oscar as fast as he could when he witnessed Soto being killed.


Runar was the leader of a human tribe shown in the first film.

Runar was a leader for a group of humans. He was the father of Roshan and husband of Nadia, and cared greatly for his family, all the while leading them and the rest of the tribe as a nomadic group to travel from place to place. In one encampment that his tribe set up, half a pack of saber-toothed cats was killed and the furs taken as coats and clothing. In vengeance, the acting leader saber-tooth named Soto decided to plan an attack on Runar's tribe so as to take his son Roshan and kill him in in vengeance for those saber-teeth slain in battle by Runar's tribe. The attack almost worked, but Runar's tribe had dogs that detected Soto's pack coming and the Neanderthal tribe did battle with the saber-teeth, with Soto fighting directly with Runar. In the melee, the baby Roshan was taken by his mother from a saber-tooth named Diego, and the hunters successfully warded off the saber-teeth only to find out that his son had disappeared and his wife was gone.

Runar had no choice left but to begin the travel to a settlement far off, tracking the treacherous saber-teeth on the way and finding clues as to his son's whereabouts. In time, Runar made it near the settlement and was finally re-united with his son, but not before meeting face-to-face with Manfred and Sid, the two animals who returned the child. Runar was on his guard about Manfred at first, as Manfred appeared hostile, but quickly came to see that Manfred meant no ill will, simply to return the child.

Runar thanked Manfred by giving him the charm bracelet that had once been Roshan's, and with that Runar left the scene with his tribe and his son in tow.


Nadia was the wife of the leader of a human tribe shown in the first film.

Nadia had a husband, Runar, and a baby son, Roshan. She and her family lived a peaceful life together with their tribe until the day when a pack of saber-teeth invaded their camp to abduct the youngest member, Roshan. Nadia staved off an attack on Roshan long enough to run away quickly from the saber-tooth who was pursuing her. Nadia ran with Roshan in her arms until she reached a great waterfall and was cornered. She jumped, holding on tightly to her son all the while; she then ended up on the riverbank below, meeting Manfred and Sid, two animals that were passing by. With her limited strength, Nadia nudged her son to these animals in the hopes that they could be entrusted with her son. Seconds after this act, she slipped slowly from the riverbank, disappearing completely. Her fate remains unknown, although it is presumed that she is dead.


Dab was the head dodo shown in the first film. He is the antagonist of the melon-stealing.

Dab had the dodos collect three melons for a stockpile and one of them stole the melon that Manfred spotted for Roshan. The first one falls in the lower ground with 5 dodos and the second one falls to the lava with 3 dodos. After Sid fights off the dodos, they fall off a cliff, a joke on why there are none left.


Eddie was a glyptodont shown in the first film during the migration scene and was shown trying to jump off a small cliff, claiming that he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough. He jumped off the edge of the cliff, expecting to fly, but simply ended up falling down to the ground.

Carl and Frank

Carl and Frank are two brontotheres.

The two appeared at the beginning of the film when Sid the sloth was shown stepping on their salad and eating an important part of it, the dandelion. The two animals soon chased after him in the hopes of killing him, but were stopped forcefully by Manny the mammoth, by being hurled through the air. They'd held a powerful grudge against Sid for what he'd done and when they next saw him, he was in the same hot mud pool that they were in and was erroneously referring to them as ladies. Again, Carl and Frank stampeded after the hapless sloth, but were waylaid when they saw that he had already been "killed" by a saber-toothed cat named Diego, which was part of Sid's plan to get them to be fooled into leaving him alone and not trying to kill him off, and gave up their chase post-haste, defeated. Carl had thick lips and a thick horn, while Frank had more pointed lips and a thinner horn.

Carl was voiced by Cedric the Entertainer and Frank was voiced by Stephen Root.

While their species is listed as "Brontotherium", they are more the size of Brontops dispar. It thus cannot be concluded which species they are, short of an amalgamation.

Jennifer and Rachel

Jennifer and Rachel are two female ground sloths from the first film.

The two were shown being sweet-talked by Sid to impress them while he had the baby Roshan in tow. Jennifer admitted that she found some of Sid's qualities to be most attractive, and when Sid left, the two spoke to each other on how, despite his lack of good looks, he was a family-type.

These two female sloths (in a deleted scene from the film) were shown scorning Sid when he was shown to simply be using the baby to mate with them, though Rachel was much more straightforward as she kicked him directly in the groin while calling him "pig".

Jennifer was a thickset dark-blue sloth with short curly hair and Rachel was considerably thinner and had light tan fur and a blonde ponytail directly at the top of her head.

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14y ago

All The Characters Names? Okay I'll tell you.

In Ice Age the whole series. There's Manny A.K.A Manfred

Ellie:. they are the mammoth's Crash and Eddie:. the two Opossum twins. Diego: the saber tooth tiger. Sid: the tree sloth. and some of the new charatcers. are. Buck: the crazed up weasel with one-eye. Rudy: The Baryonyx Big Momma: T-Rex. Scrat: Squirrel: Scratte: Flying Squirrel. HOPED I HELPED YOU!!!! Do you live near anyone who's obsessed with Horton Hears A Who? Or the mayors ugly small son Jojo or as i like to call him No-No. If you do plz tell me!

whoever answered this u hv major issues!

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13y ago

Manfred "Manny", a woolly mammoth, is voiced by Ray Romano

Sid, a giant ground sloth, is voiced by John Leguizamo

Diego, a Smilodon, is voiced by Denis Leary

Soto, a Smilodon, is voiced by Goran Visnjic

Zeke, a Smilodon, is voiced by Jack Black

Oscar, a Smilodon, is voiced by Diedrich Bader

Lenny, a Smilodon, voiced by Alan Tudyk

Scrat, a fictional "sabre-toothed" squirrel, is voiced by Chris Wedge

Carl, a Brontops, is voiced by Cedric the Entertainer

Frank, a Brontops, is voiced by Stephen Root

Rachel, a female sloth, is voiced by Jane Krakowski

Jennifer, a female sloth, is voiced by Lorri Bagley

Ellie, a female woolly mammoth

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14y ago

'Sid' the sloth,'Manfred' the mamoth (Manny for short) and diago the saber tooth tiger.

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13y ago

Who Plays Peaches On Ice Age 3 Dawn of the Dinosaurs

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Sid, Manny, 3 little dinosaurs, Buck, the two possums, Roodie, Dinosaur mother, Diego

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Flynn, raz, silas,squint, boris, and gupta

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Q: What are the names of the main characters in the movie 'Ice Age'?
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Charles Howard, one of the main characters in the 2003 movie Seabiscuit, had a son named Frankie who was killed at the age of 15 in a truck accident. I believe that this movie is based on a true story.

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the main characters are usually, but not always, young people facing experiences that force them to become more mature

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