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Grasslands are generally called the savanna. However, savanna in different places may also be given specific names such as "The Great Plains" in North America, The Pampas" in Argentina, and "The Veldt" in South Africa.

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Q: What are the grasslands called in South America?
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What are the names of the grasslands in Argentina in South America in South Africa and in the middle latitudes of Eurasia?

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What grasslands are called in South America?


What do you call the grasslands in South America?

They are called The Pampas

What areas are covered with grasslands in South America?

The grasslands of South America are called the Pampas. The grass lands of South Africa are the Veldt.

What are the grsslands or Argentina called?

In Argentina, South America, the grasslands are known as pampas.

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The campos are grasslands found in South America, particularly in Brazil, while the llanos are grasslands found in northern South America, mainly in Venezuela and Colombia.

Where are temperate grasslands called pampas located?

The temperate grasslands called pampas are primarily located in South America, covering parts of Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. The pampas region is known for its vast flat plains and grasslands, often used for agriculture and grazing.

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What do you call grasslands in south America?


What are the grasslands of North America called?

The grasslands of Northern Americas are called "Prairies".

Where can the largest grasslands on earth be found?

South America