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Jaiden Schiller

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2y ago
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15y ago

There are 5 biomes in Canada. 1. Tundra 2. Boreal Forest 3. Mountain Forest 4. Grassland 5. Deciduous Forest (The Land Canada's Physical Diversity, Denis Desrivieres et al. Prentice Hall Hinn Canada, Scarborough, 1996)

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10y ago

There are a number of biomes of Canada. These include tundra, taiga, deciduous forest, grasslands, as well as temperate forest.

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12y ago

the four major types of vegetation are tundra, grassland, desert scrub and forest.

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14y ago

Tundra, grassland,desert scrub, and forest.

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11y ago

Boreal Forest covers most of it, some deciduous forest, mountains and little plains/flatlands

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12y ago

i do not know i am looking for it to hi

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Q: What are the four major biomes in Canada?
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Which four land biomes occur in Canada?

Tundra, Boreal forest, Temperate deciduous forest and grassland biomes.

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Canada has four biomes within its borders. They are the tundra, the boreal forest, the temperate deciduous forest, and the grasslands forest.

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The four major Biomes of Europe are the Mediterranean Scrub Forest, Temperate Forest, Tundra, and the boreal Forrest.

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Canada has many different biomes, or ecosystems.

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The four major biomes in British Columbia are coastal temperate rainforest, interior temperate rainforest, grassland, and alpine tundra.

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The 2 biomes that are not in Canada are the tropical forest and the desert. The other 4 are definitley in Canada. *Edit* Actually Canada has a very little desert biome in southern B.C. so I think it could be tropical rain forest and chaparral. It depends which list of biomes you are choosing from.

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Biomes can be defined as the major communities of the world, classified according to their predominant vegetation and characterised by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment.Ecosystems are communities of organisms that inhabit specific physical environments. Biomes are composed of several ecosystems and represent a regional community of organisms named after the dominant vegetation.The four major types of biomes are aquatic, grasslands, forests, and desert. Aquatic biomes are probably the most important of all the biomes. Their medium, water, is a major natural resource. Aquatic biomes can be subdivided into freshwater, seawater and atmospheric biomes. Grasslands can be subdivided into savanna, temperate grasslands (prairie) and tundra. This classification corresponds to decreasing average temperatures. Forests receive more precipitation than other biomes and vary from boreal, to temperate, to rainforest. This classification corresponds to increasing temperatures. Deserts have the fewest species and the most extreme climate.