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A collective noun is a noun used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. Examples of collective nouns are:

  • album of photos
  • armada of ships
  • armory of aardvarks
  • army of ants
  • ascension of larks
  • atlas of maps
  • audience of listeners
  • bag of tricks
  • band of angels
  • band of coyotes
  • band of gorillas
  • band of jays
  • band of men
  • band of musicians
  • band of pirates
  • bank of circuits
  • bank of elevators
  • bank of monitors
  • barrel of monkeys
  • batch of bread
  • batch of cookies
  • batch of cupcakes
  • battery of tests
  • bed of oysters
  • bench of judges
  • bench of magistrates
  • bevy of quails
  • blessing of unicorns
  • block of flats
  • board of directors
  • book of matches
  • bouquet of flowers
  • brace of ducks
  • bridge of admirals
  • brigade of soldiers
  • broadside of (artillery) shells
  • brood of chickens
  • brood of hens
  • buffoonery of orangutans
  • bunch of bananas
  • bunch of grapes
  • bushel of corn
  • business of ferrets
  • cache of jewels
  • cache of nuts (for squirrels)
  • caravan of camels
  • cash or weapons
  • cavalcade of horsemen
  • chain of islands
  • chain of mountains
  • charm of finches
  • chest of drawers
  • class of students
  • cloud of bats
  • cloud of gnats
  • cloud of grasshoppers
  • cluster of grapes
  • cluster of stars
  • clutch of chicks
  • clutch of eggs
  • clutter of starlings
  • collection of stamps
  • college of electors
  • colony of ants
  • colony of bats
  • colony of beavers
  • colony of penguins
  • communion of saints
  • company of actors
  • company of owls
  • company of soldiers
  • congregation of crocodiles
  • congregation of people
  • congregation of worshipers
  • congress of baboons
  • conspiracy of ravens
  • constellation of stars
  • constituency of voters
  • convocation of eagles
  • corps of cadets
  • coven of witches
  • covey of quail
  • crew of sailors
  • crowd of onlookers
  • crowd of people
  • culture of bacteria
  • deck of cards
  • den of thieves
  • division of soldiers
  • drove of cattle
  • embarrassment of riches
  • exaltation of larks
  • faculty of academics
  • faculty of professors
  • faculty of teachers
  • fistful of dollars
  • fleet of boats
  • fleet of planes
  • fleet of ships
  • flight of stairs
  • float of crocodiles
  • flock of birds
  • flock of sheep
  • flock of tourists
  • flotilla of ships
  • fluther of jellyfish
  • forest of trees
  • gaggle of geese
  • galaxy of stars
  • gang of hoodlums
  • grove of trees
  • hand of bananas
  • heap of trash
  • herd of buffalo
  • herd of cattle
  • herd of cows
  • herd of elephants
  • herd of horses
  • herd of whales
  • herd of wrens
  • hill of beans
  • hive of bees
  • host of angels
  • host of sparrows
  • infestation of lice
  • journey of giraffes
  • knot of frogs
  • labour of moles
  • library of books
  • litter of kittens
  • litter of pigs
  • litter of puppies
  • mass of Catholics
  • mess of grits
  • mess of pottage
  • mob of kangaroos
  • murder of crows
  • nest of bowls
  • nest of machine guns
  • nest of mice
  • nest of vipers
  • nest of wasps
  • network of computers
  • orchard of trees
  • pack of dogs
  • pack of hounds
  • pack of wolves
  • pad of paper
  • panel of experts
  • parliament of owls
  • party of jays
  • platoon of soldiers
  • pod of dolphins
  • pod of seals
  • pod of whales
  • pride of lions
  • quiver of arrows
  • range of mountains
  • round of drinks
  • school of fish
  • set dishes
  • set of Golf clubs
  • sheaf of wheat
  • shiver of sharks
  • shoal of bass
  • shoal of fish
  • shock of corn
  • slate of candidates
  • sloth of bears
  • smack of jellyfish
  • squad of cheerleaders
  • squad of soldiers
  • squad players
  • staff of employees
  • stand of flamingo
  • stand of trees
  • string of beads
  • string of pearls
  • suite of rooms
  • swarm of bees
  • team of athletes
  • team of horses
  • team of oxen
  • team of players
  • tribe of natives
  • troop of baboons
  • troop of kangaroo
  • troop of monkeys
  • troop of scouts
  • troop of soldiers
  • troupe of acrobats
  • troupe of actors
  • troupe of dancers
  • troupe of musicians
  • troupe of performers
  • undulation of hills
  • wad of bills
  • wad of money
  • wad of papers
  • wardrobe of clothes
  • wash of emotions
  • yoke of oxen
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6y ago
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10y ago

A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way.

Examples of collective nouns:

  1. a bench of judges
  2. a caravan of camels
  3. a deck of cards
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9y ago

A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. Examples of collective nouns are:

  1. army of ants
  2. bag of tricks
  3. band of angels
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7y ago

Examples of sentences using collective nouns (in bold):

We brought mom a bouquet of flowers.

Take a pack of cards for the train trip.

A flock of birds perched along the power lines.

A crowd of onlookers blocked access to the accident scene.

A pride of lions stalked the herd of wildebeests.

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10y ago

Examples of collective nouns for things are:

  • a bank of elevators
  • a bushel of apples
  • a bunch of bananas
  • a cache of jewels
  • a fleet of cars
  • a chest of drawers
  • a network of computers
  • a clutch of eggs
  • a bouquet of flowers
  • a set of golf clubs
  • a slew of homework
  • a wealth of information
  • a cache of jewels
  • a nest of bowls
  • a stand of trees
  • a bunch of things
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11y ago

We took a boat out to see the pod of whales.

The was a line of people around the block by the time they opened the ticket window.

The herd of cattle is brought in from the pasture every evening.

The panel of judges could not agree on a winner.

We bought a bushel of peaches, some bunches of grapes, and a rope of onions at the farmers market. When we smelled a batch of bread baking, we pulled into the bakery and bought some loaves of bread.

I saw a flock of birds heading south.

The crowd of onlookers spread into the street blocking traffic.

A mob of kangaroos stirred up a cloud of dust as they crossed the road.

I found a clutch of eggs in a robin's nest.

The apiarists collected the new swarm of bees from the branch and introduced it to one of his empty hives.

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11y ago

Examples of collective nouns in a sentence:

  • The team of players filed off the bus.
  • Put the bunch of bananas in the big bowl.
  • Our picnic was invaded by an army of ants.
  • I brought a deck of cards to pass the time.
  • A staff of workers were preparing the buffet.
  • My father gave me a string of pearls for my birthday.
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7y ago

A collective noun is a word used to group nouns for people or things in a descriptive way. Example sentences with collective noun in bold:

  • I picked up a bushel of corn at the farmers' market.
  • In the summer, a troupe of actors performs in the park on Friday evenings.
  • Wash a bunch of grapes to serve with lunch.
  • A tribe of monkeys made a commotion in the trees above us.
  • You need to open a ream of paper for the printer.
  • A crowd of onlookers at gathered at the scene of the accident.
  • The farmer brought the herd of cattle to the barn each evening.
  • A flock of tourists descended on the only bar on the street.
  • We have a network of computers connecting all of our retail stores.
  • We heard a pack of wolves howling in the distance.
  • The panel of judges tasted each entry.
  • We went down to the harbor to watch the fleetof ships come in.
  • They're building a new block of flats on Second Street.
  • Spend a little money, buy a pack of gum.
  • The board of directors meet today at ten.
  • We were delighted when a pod of whales broke the water's surface.
  • A pride of lions rested near a clump of trees.
  • We visited Aunt Anne and brought her a bouquetof flowers.
  • A shoal of minnows glinted in the sunlight.
  • It's a good thing that some criminals are not too bright. A gang of hoodlums tried to rob a bicycle shop that was a front run by police officers to lure bicycle thieves.
  • A bouquet of flowers would be a nice gift for your hostess.
  • The crowd of onlookers surrounding the accident made it difficult for the emergency crew.
  • We saw a large herd of elephants in the distance.
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Wiki User

9y ago

A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. Example sentences:

  • I picked up a bushel of corn at the farmers' market.
  • In the summer, a troupe of actors performs in the park on Friday evenings.
  • Wash a bunch of grapes to serve with lunch.
  • A tribe of monkeys made a commotion in the trees above us.
  • You need to open a ream of paper for the printer.
  • A crowd of onlookers at gathered at the scene of the accident.
  • The farmer brought the herd of cattle to the barn each evening.
  • A flock of tourists descended on the only bar on the street.
  • We have a network of computers connecting all of our retail stores.
  • We heard a pack of wolves howling in the distance.
  • The panel of judges tasted each entry.
  • We went down to the harbor to watch the fleet of ships come in.
  • They're building a new block of flats on Second Street.
  • Spend a little money, buy a pack of gum.
  • The board of directors meet today at ten.
  • We were delighted when a pod of whales broke the water's surface.
  • A pride of lions rested near a clump of trees.
  • We visited Aunt Anne and brought her a bouquet of flowers.
  • A shoal of minnows glinted in the sunlight.
  • It's a good thing that some criminals are not too bright. A gang of hoodlums tried to rob a bicycle shop that was a front run by police officers to lure bicycle thieves.
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Is newspaper a collective noun?

No, newspaper is a common, singular noun. Examples of collective nouns for newspaper are pile or stack of newspapers.

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A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole. Most nouns are not collective nouns, for example a word for a person (mother, uncle, lawyer, neighbor) and a word for a place (continent, city, island, park) are not collective nouns. Collective nouns are words for things, but not all words for things can be collective nouns, such as cat, hamburger, oxygen, money, etc. Proper nouns are not collective nouns (Napoleon, India, Coca Cola, etc.) A collective noun is considered a collective noun as a function, not as a definition of the noun. Collective nouns are an informal part of language. A collective noun is a noun used to group two or more people or things in a descriptive way.

What is the noun for the collective noun collection?

There is no specific collective noun for "collective nouns." However, I have seen a list of collective nouns and a page of collective nouns.

What is a collective noun for shade trees?

Examples of collective nouns for shade trees a stand of shade trees or a grove of shade trees.

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what is the collective nouns for savages?

What is the collective nouns for convicts?

The collective noun for a group of convicts is a chain of convicts. Other collective nouns for convicts would be the same as for any group of people; examples are a crowd, a group, a gang, an organization, a colony, a class, etc.

What is the Collective noun for Collective noun?

There is no specific collective noun for "collective nouns." However, I have seen a list of collective nouns and a page of collective nouns.