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Elements of DramaThe essential elements of drama are:
  • Character
  • Plot
  • Theme
  • Dialogue
  • Convention
  • Genre
  • Audience
  • Stagecraft
  • Design
  • Conversions
  • Music
  • Visual element
  • Tragedy
  • Spectacle
  • Dramatic Structure
  • Contrast
  • Symbol
According to Greek theatre

The Greek theatre "plays / dramas / presentations of stories told by actors,"... had, according to Plato and Aristotle, 3 main essential elements:

A beginning,

a middle

and an ending.

Translating also to:



and Resolution

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Aristotle defines the character in drama as the people represented in the play. He believed the characters qualities should be revealed in a few telling scenes. There are many types of characters: extraordinary, stock, representative, narrator, dominant trait, minor, and non human to name a few (theatre the lively art,m Goldfarb &Wilson 2008).Each type of character adds to the story and helps the audience understand the storyline. See also Tom Treffinger's website.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

A character in drama refers to an imaginary person who is represented in a given work of fiction. It might be a story, film or play. It also refers to the portrayal of someone or an actor in a play.

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Q: What are the essential drama elements?
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What movie genre is Shawshank Redemption?

Drama, though it has elements of comedy and various other genres.

Definition of elements of drama?

i dont know maybe go to yahoo questions and ask them, im not really sure what you are talking about sorry..

What genre is the teen movie a sub-genre of?

The Teen genre is not exactly a sub genre of any particular genre but is a hybrid genre, which centers primarily around drama Although it would be incorrect to say that it is a sub genre of drama alone. This is because the teen genre always incorporates elements and techniques typically associated with comedy, horror, and thriller genre's.For example, The Twilight Saga is clearly derived from the drama genre. HOWEVER, it also incorporates elements of fantasy and action.Another example is in the film Ten Things I Hate About You. This film typifies the teen genre as seen by its roots in the drama genre, although it also incorporates elements of comedy in its plot also.So you see the teen genre is in actuality a hybrid of multiple genres, the most prominent being drama, however that is not to say that it is strictly a sub genre of it.

What are the differences and similarities between fiction and drama?

A difference between fiction and drama is themanner in which they are used, pluswhen and where.Fiction is a solo experience, a relationship between the author and the reader. Drama is intended to be performed before an audience, either live or recorded.

Why do they start total drama the musical if there is no total drama drama drama drama action?

there is 1 thing wrong in your ? it is called world tour but they{the competitors} sing anyway the manhunt movie is the total drama drama drama action

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what are essential drama elements?

Elements of DramaThe essential elements of drama are: CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsMusicVisual elementTragedySpectacleDramatic StructureContrastSymbolAccording to Greek theatreThe Greek theatre "plays / dramas / presentations of stories told by actors,"... had, according to Plato and Aristotle, 3 main essential elements:A beginning,a middleand an ending.Translating also to:Exposition,Conflict,and Resolution

What are Aristotle's six elements of drama?

Aristotle's six elements of drama are plot (mythos), character (ethos), theme (dianoia), diction (lexis), melody (melos), and spectacle (opsis). He believed that these elements were essential for creating a successful and engaging drama.

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the elements of a drama are the following:charactersplotthemedialogueconventiongenreaudiencestagecraftdesign

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elements of drama are:plotcharacterssettingdialoguekinds of drama:comedytragedyforcefantasy

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The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsRead more: What_are_the_nine_elements_of_drama

What are the nine elements of drama?

The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsSome have been taught hat there were only 6 elements of least only six from Aristotle. They are as follows.PlotCharacterThemeDialogue/DictionMusic/RhythmSpectacle

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The kinds of drama are the comedy, tragedy, farce, melodramaand musical.The elements of drama are characters, setting, plot, dialog, design, theme and stage directions.

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What are elements of drama?

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