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Episode 1 - The Eleventh Hour

Episode 2 - The Beast Below

Episode 3 - Victory of The Daleks

Episode 4 - The Time of Angels

Episode 5 - Flesh and Stone

Episode 6 - The Vampires of Venice

Episode 7 - Amys Choice

Episode 8 - The Hungry Earth

Episode 9 - Cold Blood

Episode 10 - Vincent and The Doctor

Episode 11 - The Lodger

Episode 12 - The Pandorica Opens

Episode 13 - The Big Bang

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Q: What are the episodes for Doctor Who series 5?
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What episodes of doctor who are on series 5 volume 5?

There is no Volume 5 of the Series 5 DVDs. Volume 4 is the last one and contains the season finale and the two episodes preceding it.

In Doctor Who what episodes do the Weeping Angels appear in?

Blink (series 3 episode 10), The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (series 5 episodes 4 and 5).

How many episodes in doctor who series 1?

There are 13 episodes in Series 1 of Doctor Who, which aired in 2005 and featured Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor.

Why are there only 5 episodes of Doctor Who Series 7?

Actually, there are going to be 14 total episodes this series. The first part (of 5 episodes) has just concluded, the Christmas episode will introduce the Doctor's new companion, and the rest of the season will air in 2013 sometime (no set air date yet).

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There are 13 episodes in all six of the series.

Is there going to be 14 episodes in doctor who series 6?

Yes There Are 14 Because The Christmas Special 2011.

What are the doctor who 2010 first episodes called?

The first episode of series 5 is apparently called The Eleventh Hour.

How many episodes on new series of Dr. Who?

The latest series of Doctor Who, series 13, consists of 6 episodes.

In the 5th series of doctor who how many episodes are there?

Thirteen, same as the previous four series.

How many episodes in The Tribe series 5?

52 episodes.

What are the episode names for Doctor Who series 5 episodes 8 to 13?

The Hungry Earth Cold Blood Vincent and the Doctor The Lodger The Pandorica Opens The Big Bang

Will Amy be in Doctor Who series 8?

She will be in a few of the episodes at the beginning, her and Rory will be leaving mid series.