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The returning campers for total drama action-duncan-Owen-Gwen-heather-Lindsay-Beth-izzy-Justin-d.j.-bridgette-geoff-Harold-lehawna-Trent-and possibly Courtney but its still a mystery-check out for the total drama action trailor which shows Courtney trying to brake into the total drama action set.

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13y ago
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16y ago

There aren't any new characters. The characters are 15 of the ones from the last season. The 15 are:Courtney, Heather, Lindsay, Harold, Duncan, Izzy, Gwen, Beth, LeShawna, Trent, Geoff, Bridgette, Justin , Owen and DJ.

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13y ago

the contestants for season 2 of total drama island are duncan,Owen,Gwen,heather,Lindsay,Harold,Justin,d.j.,geoff,bridgette,Trent,Beth,izzy,Beth, leshawna,and i possibly Courtney but im not so sure about her.

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13y ago

the returning characters for total drama action are-duncan-bridgette-geoff-leshawna-Harold-heather-Lindsay-Beth-izzy-Owen-d.j.-Justin-Gwen-Trent-and maybe Courtney but im not sure-go to to see the total drama action trailor.

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13y ago

so far total drama island season 2/total drama action hasn't even been created yet and for those of you who heard on wikipedia that total drama island the musical was true its not.



yeah well we'll see about that.

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14y ago

All Characters in alphabetical order (not according to season):

  • Alejandro
  • Beth
  • Blaineley
  • Bridgette
  • Chef
  • Chris
  • Cody
  • Courtney
  • Dj
  • Duncan
  • Eva
  • Ezekiel
  • Geoff
  • Gwen
  • Harold
  • Heather
  • Izzy
  • Justin
  • Katie
  • LeShawna
  • Lindsay
  • Noah
  • Owen
  • Sadie
  • Sierra
  • Trent
  • Tyler
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14y ago

Stacy, Zoey, Molly, Anne Marie, Dakota, and Mary are all the girls. All the boys are Mike, Lightening, Scott, Cameron, Sam, and Brick. I personally think that Alehether should come back but I'm not the director, so...yeah.

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13y ago

Total Drama Revenge of the Island is the fourth season of the Total Dramafranchise. The series' extension was commissioned by Teletoon from the producers,Fresh T.V. Inc. This season will take place back at Camp Wawanakwa (the original setting of the first season) but this time with an entirely new cast. However, since the island has been forgotten and left alone for the past two seasons, the island has been used as a toxic nuclear waste dump, transforming it into the perfect location for the most dramatic and brutal challenges yet.[4] There will be thirteen new competidors: Ann Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Staci, Scott and Zoey. This new season will have new rivals, new relationships, and the biggest drama yet but will only be half the length of a regular season, with only 13 episodes.[1] The purpose for this season is not just to start all over again, but to introduce the new cast to what the older contestants have gone through before. Total Drama Revenge of the Island will air this fall in Canada on Teletoon and in the U.S. on Cartoon Network.

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Eric Scott

Lvl 2
4y ago

My favorite character in Total Drama Island is Tyler. Tyler is my favorite character because even though he didn't make it to the merge, his fails made me laugh and I thought he should've gotten at least 5th or 1st in Island and 4th or 3rd in World Tour. I also thought he should've competed in Total Drama Action, but the creators didn't let him compete. They instead let him fall in the green jelly with Cody. I was mad. My profile picture is Tyler.

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14y ago


I liked Gwen, LaShawna, Trent, DJ, and Duncan.

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How do you get people to be allies in total drama action?

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Is total drama drama drama drama island the same as Total Drama Island?

Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

Why do they start total drama the musical if there is no total drama drama drama drama action?

there is 1 thing wrong in your ? it is called world tour but they{the competitors} sing anyway the manhunt movie is the total drama drama drama action

Is Total Drama Island based on a reality action island game?

Not really. But some people compare Total Drama Island to "Survivor."

What are the total drama action challenges or what do you think they will be?

On total drama action they will have challenges based on movies and acting

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How do you get people to be allies in total drama action?

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What is total drama action?

Total Drama Action is a TV show. Youtube it.

Is there a total drama drama drama drama action?


Is total drama drama drama drama island the same as Total Drama Island?

Yes It Is, It Is The Total Drama Island Movie And There IS Also A Total Drama Action Movie Called Celebrity Manhunt's Total Drama Action Reunion Special.

Who is gonna win in total drama action?

bethwill win total drama action

What is after total drama action?

Total Drama World Tour

Who was the winner of total drama action?

Thw winner of total drama action was Duncan and Beth was the runner up but in Australia Beth won total drama action.

Will there be a sequel to Total Drama Action?

Total Drama, The Musical.

How many episodes of total drama action will there be?

The number of episodes in Total Drama Action is 29

Where can you watch total drama action episode 8? search Total Drama action

When was Total Drama Action created?

Total Drama Action was created on 2009-01-11.

Why do they start total drama the musical if there is no total drama drama drama drama action?

there is 1 thing wrong in your ? it is called world tour but they{the competitors} sing anyway the manhunt movie is the total drama drama drama action