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Animals and living thing such as cactus and the fox.

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The ecosystem is warm desert

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Q: What are the biotic factors of the Mojave desert?
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Is a desert biotic?

A desert contains both biotic (living) factors as well as abiotic (non-living) factors.

Is a desert abiotic or biotic?

A desert is a mixture of both biotic and abiotic factors. Soil, sand, rock, water, air and light are abiotic while plants and animals are biotic.

What are the deserts biotic factors?

All plants and animals found in a desert are biotic factors.

Is a desert and abiotic or biotic?

A desert has both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors.

What is the biotic for a desert?

Biotic factors include all plants, animals, bacteria, etc. found in a desert.

What are biotic features of a desert?

biotic factors refer to factors that are living. For example, plant and animal life

Example of biotic features in the desert?

All plants and animals are biotic factors.

What is a biotic part of a desert?

Biotic factors are the living organisms found in the desert and include all the plants and animals that make the desert their home.

Does Mojave have any deserts?

The Mojave is a desert - the Mojave Desert.

Are there any nonliving things in the Mojave Desert?

In the Mojave Desert there is soil, sand, gravel, rocks, water, air and light - all abiotic factors.

What are some biotic factors in the dessert?

Biotic factors are essentially the living factors in a certain ecosystem. In a desert (note the spelling), the biotic factors include cacti, lizards, trees in oases, etc.

What are the biotic factors of the Sonoran Desert?

Hi, Biotic Things found in desert are Scorpions, coyotes, snakes, spiders, lizard, and cacti.