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You need to have these things. A gold gate card, a silver gate card, a copper (or bronze) gate card. now on to ability cards you need to have a red card, a green card, and a blue ability card. you start by each player set out one gate card of their choice. then the first person rolls the Bakugan they have if they miss they have to wait their next turn ( unless you have an ability card to go again like the red ability card rainbow prism) but be careful if you land on your opponents gate card you may be in for a surprise, but if you land on your gate card you will have a big advantage on a battle but I'll explain that later. By the way if you must have three bakugan to start the match. if your bakugan lands on a gate card with an opponent's gate card a battle will start you may use one ability card for battle the person with the highest g-power wins. Oh and if 2 of your bakugan land on the same gate card you win the gate card without having to battle. That's the basic rules to the game have fun. I know this is a lot to remember but once you start playing longer and longer you'll know the rules without having to retype this question so are you ready to play?

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15y ago
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13y ago

Just rolling a pyrus bakugan and then battling as if you were playing a Pokemon card game (red circle=fire type,blue circle=water type,brown circle=earth type,white circle=normal type,black circle=dark type,and seafoam circle=wind type.)

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14y ago

OK. So in Bakugan New Vestroia there are about 10 rules .

1.There are now only ability cards, which serve as gate cards too. Two abilities can be played at once. Extremely strong Bakugan, like Neo Dragonoid, can play triple abilities.

2. A Bakugan can be anywhere in the battlefield.

3. Instead of a Doom Dimension like in the old episodes, a Bakugan is taken if it's defeated by over 500 G's.

For example: Subterra Wilda with 850 G's defeats a Haos Freezer with 300 G's. The Freezer is lost by the opponent.

4. There's now a life gauge which drains depending on how many G's you are defeated by.

For example: Aquos Elfin with 600 G's defeats a Ventus Atmos with 350 G's. The loser loses 250 G's in a life gauge.

The life gauge has approximately 500 G's.

Once the life gauge reaches 0 you lose.

5. A trap Bakugan can be used once per game. In the show, it serves as a partner monster. In the strategy game, it changes a Bakugan's element or gives it a boost.

6. Defeated Bakugan can be reused.

7. When two Bakugans collide when thrown, the Bakugan with higher G's wins.

8.You can use all ability cards.

9. There are no gate cards so just roll a bakugan in the arena and when you want it to stand, shout "stand"!" Open your bakugan on the spot.

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13y ago

both players throw down a gate card

youngest player rolls a baku

then oldest until 2 baku r on the same card then whoever gate card can turn it over or both players can play abilty card

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11y ago

Bakugan is a 2 player card game based on a TV series. To win the game a player must collect 3 'Gate' cards. To begin, each player will have 3 ability cards (of each colour), and 3 gate cards (of each colour). Once a card has been used it should be put in a 'used' pile.

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