"French apples" is a slang term that refers to the buttocks or rear end. This phrase is often used humorously or informally to describe someone's behind in a lighthearted manner. It is important to note that slang terms can vary in meaning and usage depending on the context and culture.
Les fruits are "the fruits."
Des fruits are "some fruits."
Ces fruits are "these fruits."
Des ananas are "some pineapples."
Des bananes are "some bananas."
Des caramboles are "some starfruits."
Des cerises are "some cherries."
Des citrons are "some lemons."
Des fraises are "some strawberries."
Des goyaves are "some guavas."
Des mangues are "some mangos."
Des noix de coco are "some coconuts."
Des oranges are "some Oranges."
Des pamplemousses are "some grapefruits."
Des papayes are "some papayas."
Des pastèques are "some watermelons."
Des pêches are "some peaches."
Des poires are "some Pears."
Des pommes are "some apples."
Des prunes are "some plums."
Du raisin is "some grapes."
Des tomates are "some tomatoes."
Des avocats are "some avocados."
french slang for 'my boy'
This is the French word for sorry. This is a common French word sometimes used by the Americans as slang.
Literal: Let's Jump Slang: Let's have sex
Un balai means a broom, but in French slang it can mean a year when talking about someone's age - il a quarante balais - he's forty (years old).
the word chatte indicates a female cat. It is also a slang term for a female sex.
In Cockney rhyming slang - apples means 'stairs'.Read more at:apples-rhyming-slang
It is slang for barbiturates. Barbiturates are "downers"...they're tranquilizers and they are used for anaesthesia or as sleeping pills.
french slang for 'my boy'
a cockney rhyming slang that means stairs
The English word "tiz" is "c'est" in French.
It's gipsy slang for "a man"
Light French Kissiing
Boche is a pejorative noun for the Germans in French. That was originally a military slang term.
This is the French word for sorry. This is a common French word sometimes used by the Americans as slang.
No it is a French word. The slang for toilet is spelled loo
Literal: Let's Jump Slang: Let's have sex
To "french" (slang) is short for "french kiss" which means to kiss open-mouthed, using the tongue.