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they are the longest in they're continent

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Q: What are some Similarities between the Amazon Nile and Mississippi rivers?
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How are Amazon and Nile and the Mississippi rivers alike?

they are rivers

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the difference between the Mississippi and amazon rivers is that the Mississippi is much longer by 4.6 miles

In miles how long are the Nile and Amazon rivers?

Mississippi - 2,320 miles Nile - 4,135 miles Amazon - 3,980 miles

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What does the Nile the Amazon and the Mississippi Rivers pass through?

Nile - Africa Amazon - South America Mississippi - U.S.A.

How are the amazon Nile and Mississippibrivers alike?

The Amazon, Nile and Mississippi rivers are alike in that they are the longest rivers in the continents in which they are found.

How are the nile Mississippi and Amazon rivers alike?


How are the Mississippi Nile and Amazon Rivers alike?


How are Amazon Nile and Mississippi rivers alike?


What do Mississippi and the Amazon have in common?

All three are rivers.

How are the Amazon nile and the Mississippi rivers alike?

(: Length :)