Light ray and gamma ray both travel in a straight line.
If two lines have angles theta1 and theta2 relative to some third arbitrary line, then the angle between those two lines is theta1 minus theta2. The normal of a line at a point is a line that is 90 degrees from the line going through that point, so the angle between a line and its normal is 90 degrees. As a result, the angle between the two normals of those lines is (theta1 plus 90) minus (theta2 plus 90), which is the same as theta1 minus theta2 because the two plus 90's cancel each other.
Uhmm , i askqed because i neede to know .. not for me to answerr ! :O
It is one of those choices that other utilities go along with to maintain consistancy. For instance, "$" can refer to the last line of a file when using ed and sed. Cat -e marks end of lines with a "$". You might see it in other programs as well.
They are both straight.
Lines have no end (stretch on forever) Line segments start and end.
They can not be line segments on the same line, but they can both be line segments.
Parallel lines or line segments.Parallel lines or line segments.Parallel lines or line segments.Parallel lines or line segments.
A "line" doesn't stop and doesn't have ends. A "segment" does and has.
Line segments are lines so the answer is 3.
Skew line segments are lines in space which never intersect.
Well...lines go in one direction forever,but LINE SEGMENTS are a whole different story.With line segments you can make as much intersections as you want but with lines,only 1.
A shape made up of line segments is a shape with straight lines, or a polygon. for example, a square has straight lines, or is made up of line segments. A circle is not in that category because it has no straight lines, they are curved.
Line segments have two ending points, while lines by proof and definition go on and on forever.
lines and line segments
Homoparallelic lines