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The place where all information that the party spoke of in the past that was wrong was burned to ashes so no one knew they were really wrong.

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Q: What are memory holes in the book 1984?
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1984 What is the metaphoric meaning of the memory of holes?

The 'memory holes' are a metaphor representation of history re-envisioned or an example of revisionist history .

What is the metaphoric meaning of the memory holes in 1984?

The 'memory holes' are a metaphor representation of history re-envisioned or an example of revisionist history .

In the book 1984 what device was used to destroy written documents of the past?

Memory hole

How do you make a life book or memory book?

Get some canvas or construction paper and hole punch it then tie the pages through the holes with string and then decorate as you wish!

Why did they call the book holes?

The title of the book refers to holes the boys dig in the book.

When was A Memory of Murder created?

A Memory of Murder was created in 1984.

Is holes a book?

Holes is a book and it is also a movie! Hope I helped! :D

What is sachar Louis first book?

holes holes

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In holes book where did they find the suitcase

Is the book Holes by Louis Sachar a made up book?

Yes, Holes is a fiction novel.

Could you improve the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

yes of corse you can Holes is a great book!

What is a book with a hole in it called?