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temperate grassland

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Q: What are grasslands in North Africa called?
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What are the names of the grasslands in Argentina in South America in South Africa and in the middle latitudes of Eurasia?

Pampas in South America Veld in South Africa

What are the grasslands of Africa called?

Savannah or veld

What are the grasslands of South Africa called?


What are the grasslands of North America called?

The grasslands of Northern Americas are called "Prairies".

What is the Africa grasslands called?

The great grasslands of Africa are called savannah.

Were are grasslands?

Grasslands are located all over the world. They are found in North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa as well.

What are the grasslands called in South America?

Grasslands are generally called the savanna. However, savanna in different places may also be given specific names such as "The Great Plains" in North America, The Pampas" in Argentina, and "The Veldt" in South Africa.

What is the major natural ecosystem of Central North America and subequatorial Africa?


In North America what are grasslands called?


Were are grasslands located?

Grasslands are located all over the world. They are found in North and South America, Asia, Australia, and Africa as well.

What are the prairies of north America Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Argentina south Africa and the middle latitudes of eurasia called?

They are generally referred to as prairies or grasslands.

What is the majority ecosystem of Africa covered in what?

Grasslands cover most of Africa. Locally they are called savannas.