

Best Answer
  • Dont be afraid of death, be afraid of unlived life.You dont have to live forever just live.
  • Everythings a wheel, turning and turning never stopping. The frogs is part of it, and the bugs, and the fis, and the wood thrust, too.And people.But never the same ones.Always coming in new, always growing and changing, and always moving on.Thats the way its suppose to be. Theats the way it is.
  • I cant live forever, Can I?
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Q: What are good quotes from Tuck Everlasting?
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What are some quotes tuck everlasting?

"time is like a wheel, and we are just mud on the side of the rode, while it goes by"--angus tuck

How does Jesse tuck in Tuck Everlasting act like?

Jesse tuck in tuck everlasting acts like Mile Tuck's brother

Who should be a good actress for miles in Tuck Everlasting?

Well, me.

Who is Nikita in tuck everlasting?

Nikita is the frog in the book tuck everlasting

Who is the author OS tuck everlasting?

Tuck Everlasting was written by Natalie Babbit in 1975.

When was Tuck Everlasting released?

Tuck Everlasting was released on 10/11/2002.

How many pages are in Tuck Everlasting?

"Tuck Everlasting" by Natalie Babbitt has about 148 pages in the standard paperback edition.

What did Winnie learn in Tuck Everlasting?

not always good to be high class

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Who is Mae Tuck?

Mae Tuck is a character in the book Tuck Everlasting.

Where is the word brooch in Tuck Everlasting?

The word brooch in Tuck Everlasting is on page 30.

Dose tuck die in Tuck Everlasting?

does tuck die