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A "Smart Car" uses an intelligent cruise-control system, consisting of computers, cameras, and tiny sensors that allow cars to communicate and synchronize their positions with other vehicles on the road. The result? Traffic flows more smoothly so cars spend less time on the road, and have less opportunity to emit harmful pollutants into our air.

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Q: What are facts about the new Smart Car?
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What is the difference between a smart car and an electric car?

A Smart car can have an internal combustion engine. An electric car is....electric

Who designed the original mini car?

a very smart person .........

What is the legal age a child can be left alone in a car in Tennessee?

Well since you are asking a question like this I don't know if having a child is really smart, with all the car jackers it's just not smart to leave precious valuables in the car :)

What is the time limit on trading a new car for another new car?

There is no such thing as a time limit. When you buy a new car and drive it off the lot it instantly becomes a used car. Of course you can turn right around and trade it in on another new car in 60, 90, 120, etc days, but you will pay the difference in what this used car you are trading in is worth, and the new car sticker, which will be less that what you paid. I think you are really asking if there is a cooling off period on the purchase of an auto and the answer is no.

Is Katrina Kaif died in a car accident in New York?

No, she is not dead but alive. The news of her car accident was fake. She never had a car accident in New York.

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Why did they bring in Smart Car?

beacause the smart car are smart

What do you think the coolest type of car is?

lambrigini the new shelby nooo its obviously the new smart car...hahaha

What is the best thing you can give to our company?

I am sure that they will love the new smart ford car :)

What are the pro's and con's of owning a smart car? this page has alot of advice when coming to buying and owning a smart car. It includes the pros and cons of having a tiny smart car.

When are the new smart cars coming out?

Generally, car manufacturers introduce their new models in September for the following year.

What is a smart car?

Smart Car is a car brand. They make modern, compact cars.

How much does a battery for a SMART car cost?

I heard from a friend the batteries for a smart car were 3000.00.....Which leads me believe your not too smart if you buy a smart car....lmao

What is the first step that a smart new car buyer should take before talking to salespersons and putting a deposit on a car?

Study the car market

What is the first that a smart new car buyer should take before talking to a sales person and putting a deposit on a car?

Test drive the car

How much doese a smart car whigh?

who much doese a smart car whigh? The awnser is, The Smart Car weighs 1,600 pounds.

Is Fiat atype of smart car?

The "Smart Car" is a trade mark of Mercedes. Fiat makes a car that is about the same size but it can not be called a "Smart".

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