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1) Its founder was Abraham, 3800 years ago. 2) Its most important historical event was when God gave the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai, 3300 years ago.

3) The Torah-scroll is read from during synagogue services.

See also the Related Links.

Link: How Abraham began Judaism

Link: More about the Ten Commandments

Link: Torah-scroll facts

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Judaism is a monotheistic religion, one of its symbols is the menorah (a 7 branch candelabra that was located in the Temple), and its Bible is the TeNaKh.

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I have posted the Judaism Eschatology article wikipedia offers wich has everything you need concerning judaism and redemption in the related links box below.

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This question was placed in the Judaism category. Although the book of Enoch is a Jewish work, it is not part of the Hebrew Bible canon; and the Talmud and classic Rabbinical works are silent concerning it. As such, Judaism has nothing to say concerning this question.

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Judaism has a lot of laws, but actually concerning the law, Judaism really only has two rules: study it and obey it. (Studying means both learning pre-existent laws and trying to further understand and interpret.) As for mortality. Judaism holds that mortality is part of the human condition since Adam's departure from the Garden. Judaism implores people to accept their mortality, but to consistently push to extend life and improve life in this world. Judaism also teaches that when the Messiah comes, eternal life will be granted to the righteous.

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Yes. The Jewish Bible is replete with laws, beliefs and exhortations concerning justice and righteousness.

What is a couple facts about Judaism?

Judaism is a 6,000 year old religion which consist's the laws of moses and the prophets and there writings. It is a religion of how much they have survived over the years. For there god yahweh!

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"The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut"

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there are negative facts about every religion, so if this question should be answered it would only incur inflammatory feelings.

Who was the pillar of strength in Judaism?

One person concerning whom that expression is used is Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai, in Talmud Berakhot 28b.

What are the teachings of judaism concerning law and moralilty?

The Torah has hundreds of laws, whose details are specified there and in the Talmud. See the attached Related Link.

What are facts about the Judaism in Russia?

Please see the attached Related Link for info about Russian Jewry in the present and the past.

What are the 3 religions?

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