animal - diere
ENGLISH - England Natives General Language for Irish, Scottish and Hales.
english merchants started a company near the hudson bay because of the fur they trated many fur like for example:fox,beaver,and many more animal fur.
The English language does not use gender words; all nouns are neuter and take neuter verbs. English uses different words for a male or a female person or animal, such as mother and father. . The word 'film' is a neutral noun.
A mulet is a hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey; the animal is usually sterile. Mulet is a French word that means the same as the English word, mule.
Mnyama is the Kikuyu word for the English word animal.
animal - diere
In English an animal doctor is called a vet
"My favorite animal is a wolf" in English is Mon animal préféré est un loup in French.
A domestic animal.
Animalis is the genitive of "animal", which means "animal". (In the genitive = "of the animal".)
The word Animal in English is the same in Spanish.
"and this animal who is"
That is not an English word and it is not an animal.
It is a bid animal
Un oiseau is a bird in English.
It means "this is a black animal"