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Since my 15 years old daughter owns a double bed 4 years ago we been sleeping together. Before that, I had my bed and she came over to sleep with me. We don't think it was unusual as we were having so much fun together like we trickling each other and play 'farting' game (I know it's gross) but it's funny, and we also read together and occasionally cuddles. It also it's warmer as well since the house can be quite cold sometimes.

Recently she asked me whether she is too old for us to be sleeping together, I must admit that I was a little upset about that, it feels like my baby no longer need me.

Would like to know what everyone think?

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11y ago

Children develop at different ages. For example; one child may sleep on their own at 1 year old, yet another child may not be ready until later on in life. You should do it when the time feels right. If the child in question keeps disturbing you during the night, then now might be a good time to experiment. Even if you stay with your child until they fall asleep, you can eventually leave them to their own devices. Perhaps trying to do this from 18 months old and then if un successful, give it a couple of weeks and try again. Hope this helped!

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11y ago

The age at which a child should sleep alone in a bed is dependent on the individual. However, by 4 or 5, a child should be ready to sleep alone in their bed. Children should be encouraged to sleep alone in order to help develop their autonomy, but rushing the process can have negative consequences as well. One must use their own discretion on their child's readiness.

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13y ago

Why would a child ever be in their parent's bedroom? A baby should have their own room. And they should NEVER sleep in the parents' bed.

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