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she doesn't, but there is a episode where Naruto has a Dream about all the girls in Konoha gets mad at him for trying to peek at the hot spring, its just a image.

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Q: What Naruto Shippuden movie does Hinata get mad at Naruto?
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What does naruto do after Hinata tells him she loves him?

she cry coz she realize how she treat naruto like an animal but in the inside sakura have a feelings for naruto, coz in naruto and naruto shippuden their are scenes that she get mad to girls who flirt naruto like the ugly girl who kissed naruto, sakura said while she's kissing naruto "hey get off of naruto " and sakura punch her =).. NARUSAKU RULEZ! She will get mad of course, but later admit to her own feelings. I still think she will reject him at first and it will take a while and few more girls for Naruto before Sakura will fall head over heals for him

Why is Hinata Hyuuga so soft-hearted?

The reason Hinata is shy is because all throughout her childhood, she was hated by her father for being weak, which brought down her self confidence. When Hinata turned 10, Hiashi had a test done to see who was stronger(her or Hanabi). When Hanabi won, Hiashi disowned her, believing she was weaker than her 5 year old sister and not even comparable to Neji, leaving her in the care of Kurenai sensei.Because of this , she felt useless ,bringing her self-esteem done to an ultimate low.

What was the name of the movie that had the kids from the airplane that mad max was in there village and they made a movie from them?

Mad Max : Beyond Thunderdome .

What are the release dates for The Mad Movie Maker - 1967 TV?

The Mad Movie Maker - 1967 TV was released on: USA: 20 January 1967

Who will end up with naruto?

i think that naruto will be with sakura because naruto is the main character and he gets to choose who he wants to marry. i admit hinata is nice and pretty she will have to speak to him, not go "naruto-kun" all day. its so annoying. sakura is a strong girl and she has gotten over sasuke so their is a good chance she will be with naruto. NARUSAKU FAN 4EVER!!!!SakuraNaruto will be with Sakura because when she comes back after the time skip she starts blushing at the barest sight of him and says that Naruto has become more grown up and more manly. This is a step in the right direction for them. I don't actually like Sakura as a caracter attal. I think that she is useless - Sorry for all those Sakura fans out there but she is a waist of time and space, but, like all the characters she has grown up, become stronger and i think she will do well in the future.HinataI do like Hinata. She reminds me very much of myself. Shy, nervous and the never in your face type :D Even tho she likes to hide the fact she is completely mad about Naruto, i secretely think that he has a bit of a crush on her too. Befor the time skip, Naruto was heading down to the areana for the chunene exams. Hinata cought him on the way while 'Stalking' him. :L She then opened up to him saying that whenever she sees him she feels strong. After that Naruto confessed that he likes people like her. He is also very supportive of her when she is fighting and takes good care of her when he is nocked out During a fight or something. She then saves him from Pain and confesses love towards him and as she tries to attack, she gets repelled back and nearly crushed to death by Pain's jutsu and the he stabbed her in the back, which led to Naruto to transform to the 8th tail because he really cared about her.way to go whoever answered this, what a great answer. you're totally supported by me and personally, i don't think Sakura really cares about him and only cares about him when he's in the demon fox cloak and did you read in the manga about what she did to Hinata, she had a go on her for worrying about Naruto and i think Hinata should have gone up to sakura, argue back and then beat the crap outta her. Accept my sincerest apollogies, Sakura fans because i think sakura's a arrogant silly bitch who always acts tough.Oh yeah, i hate Sakura! Naruto, being my favourite character in the anime, he does nothing to anger Sakura appart from annoy her without even knowing it, he also treats her with complete respects and never hurts her in the slightest, and yet she still hits him violatnly and for that i hate her guts. She is also useless, all she does while her team mates are fighting is faint and shout "Naruto, Sasuke! Naruto, Sasuke!" all the time. And she has the occasional 'moment of enlightments' sometimes when it hits her that she really is as useless as a chocolate tea pot!!

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What does naruto say when Hinata confesses her love?

just saying hinata trys but naruto keeps on interupting and then she dose not say it in nrauto but she might say it in naruto shippuden Hinata does confess her love but he just stays in shock and then pain attacks her cause she was trying to protect naruto and naruto gets mad and he turns into 4 or 5 tails then gets angrier and turn into 8 to 9 and his dad prevents it Hinata confessed her love for Naruto in Naruto (Shippuuden) Manga Chapter 437 then tried to protect Naruto from Pain but failed and ended up looking dead (but wasn't) and Naruto got furious and turned into the HORRIBLE Kyuubi.

Who is the hottest Naruto female character?

INO :) SHE I CO CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL Definately Anko! She's soooooooo sexy! tsunade is the hotest because she rape me with her big boobs yersterday Anko all the way Actionly when he meant by who the hottest he didit mean 3 he meant 1. But the person I think could be the hotest girl is Hinata. It might sound weird but I know it her because she cute and in Naruto Shippuden she look even better. Ino look good but she could be kinda mean and grump if you dont listen. And Sakura is nice but in Naruto(First series)when she get mad she try to kill you and she also look ugly too.But Hinata look good enough to be with and bang only in shippuden. It sometime what inside of you if that matter and Hinata is pretty. So that what i think the hottest girl is.

What does naruto do after Hinata tells him she loves him?

she cry coz she realize how she treat naruto like an animal but in the inside sakura have a feelings for naruto, coz in naruto and naruto shippuden their are scenes that she get mad to girls who flirt naruto like the ugly girl who kissed naruto, sakura said while she's kissing naruto "hey get off of naruto " and sakura punch her =).. NARUSAKU RULEZ! She will get mad of course, but later admit to her own feelings. I still think she will reject him at first and it will take a while and few more girls for Naruto before Sakura will fall head over heals for him

Who ended up with Sakura in Naruto?

Kishimoto(Creator of Naruto) Said that Hinata will end up with Naruto in the end. Wrong. He never said that. We really don't know yet, so we will just have to wait and see. But it will most likely be NaruSaku. naruhina or narusaku. naruto loves sakura but sakura still somehow loves sasuke. and hinata loves naruto but naruto loves sakura. see the problem? in shippuden season 9 sakura tells naruto she loves him but lies cause she thinks that if she said that, he can take away his promise to bring sasuke back because sakura was gonna try to kill sasuke. but she might like naruto a little bit. but theyre like best friends. and hinata's loved naruto since they were 6. but naruto is so stupid that he cant even figure it out. but after she 'dies' naruto goes to all 9 tails because he's so mad. so he has to care about her a lot but i dont think he likes her at all. theyre just friends. but safter shippuden season 7 when hinata tells naruto she loves him, they dont show her much after that. only in fillers... i guess because kishimoto cant decide what to really do after that and like what they would say to each other and stuff.

Why are people anti naruhina?

1)there is no prove Naruto loves Hinata 2)naruto never said something to Hinata after she conffesed her love to him 3)if Naruto truly loved Hinata he would have gone to Hinata after he defeated Pein and it is proven Naruto loves Sakura he is always trying to kiss her not Hinata . 4)You (Naruhina) fans must learn to accept who the Naruto anime maker wants Naruto to love (Sakura) so don't come up with that idea some of you (Naruhina) know Naruto will never kiss Hinata. 5)Hinata is a stalker. let's see you date a stalker. And anyways...Hinata doesn't LOVE Naruto at all. it is just a childish crush like Sakura's or Ino's was on Sasuke; Hinata needs to grow up. when she does, i bet 1000 dollars she'll realize she doesn't really like Naruto. For example you married Hinata and the result is that she runs away of you because she is shy of you a woman that is always shy is just sad There is a huge flaw in your logic. When you stated that when Hinata confessed her love towards Naruto he didn't say anything back and that he didn't go after her. When Hinata confessed her love and supposedly got killed Naruto got so angry he unlished more tails than he unlished with Orochimaru .Now if you were to think it like this Orochimaru has Sasuke. Which is Narutos most important goal to save Sasuke because of Sakura. Orochimaru got Naruto Mad and he unlished less tails. He technically unlished less tails of his angryment of wanting to save Sasuke to make happy Sakura. Than angryment because Hinata is dead so he must care more about Hinata then Sasuke and Sakura so BAM! Then you say that Hinata has a childish crush toward Naruto. well Naruto had a childish crush with Sakura so you cant just go around saying bad thing of what people think in their computer faces and not have actually any proof. Hinata is not a stalker of Naruto you are and Narusaku could also be wrong but i don't know. Why are people anti SasuSaku? All pairings are bound to have haters.

Who deos Hinata end up with?

I think that Naruto will end up with hinata because well although its coming up to sakura and naruto hinata still has a chance and anyway naruto is just starting to get use to going out with sakura so hinata still has a change to savatage their love for the hell sake listen masashi is thinking about it so you peepz shut ur F****** mouths and wait god It will be hinata because right now even sakura has confessed that she likes naruto, naruto is skeptical and asked her why is she ling to herself and that he hates people who lie to themselves. Lets just wait and see wha happens

When does the naruto Shippuden episodes come out in cartoonnetwork?

when they put it in English. that not fair they can hear Japanese and we cannot but me not mad at all. but they should put it on cartoonnetwork soon or i will kick there a**. jk

Will the fourth be mad at Naruto for some other reasons?

4th wasnt mad, it was naruto who was mad.

In which episode naruto and Hinata kissed?

"There is a chapter were Hinta tells naruto she loves him but then dies because of pain the person who killed Jiraiya. He kills everbody with naruto Sakura kakashi and more. But then Naruto gets mad an uses the nine tale cloak and beats him. and pain has a copy who can revie ppl and he uses it on narutos team sdly he cant use it on Jiraiya because he was close to death. so hinta is revived and i dont want to ruin the rest for you so just see for ur self ppl just stop asking question about this are she end up with no one" WRONG!!! Hinata didn't really "die". Just "badly injured". LOL. The truth is that there isn't an episode where hinata kissed naruto yet. I hear that the author is planning for them to be a couple though. Update: so far in the latest issue of Naruto 615, Naruto ends up holding hands with Hinata while facing Obito in the war arc, this isn't a doshinjin made by a fan, the author had it made, and the link is here: hinata-and-naruto-hold-hands.jpg (741×468) For the recap to the latest Naruto issue, -->

Why does Naruto turn into the 6 tailed fox?

b/c he gets really mad at pain(the leader of the akasuki....)(NOTE: the REAL leader of the akasuki is Tobi or his real name madara) It's also because Pain kills Hinata right in front of naruto.

Will Kishimoto Naruhina happen?

As the creator of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto decided to develop the relationship between Naruto and Hinata, leading to their eventual marriage in the series. So yes, Kishimoto did make NaruHina happen within the Naruto storyline.