To explore new kinds of land features and name it after his name Henry Hudson. It is the right answer. i am dead sure.
some other tribes destroyed his homeland
Henry Hudson traveled across the Atlantic Ocean. He passed through the southern tip of Greenland into a narrow water way that is today known as the Hudson Strait. This journey took Henry and his crew to an area of water that is know named Hudson Bay. They traveled south into James Bay.
the cost of explorations was like things he had to give up on going on this exploration such as he had to give up his life for the long journey
Henry Hudson
No he did not!
Henry Hudson. He thought that it was the northern passage to the Pacific Ocean that he had been ordered to explore. Local Indian tribes had told them that there was an ocean on the other side of the Bay, but it turned out that they had mistaken the Great Lakes for the ocean.
it took Henry Hudson 8 months to get from London to Hudson bay it was a long and hard journey
Henry Hudson met some Indian named the tino
he did encounter the first nations
To explore new kinds of land features and name it after his name Henry Hudson. It is the right answer. i am dead sure.
he wanted to sail to northeastern asia.
He faced the Britain solder's.
he say lots of bays and rocks on his journey
some other tribes destroyed his homeland
I am pretty sure he did not