James Cameron's 3-D extravaganza "Avatar" (2009) has grossed $2.8 billion dollars worldwide.
There have been numerous film adaptations of Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol" since it was first published in 1843. It is estimated that over 50 film adaptations have been made, with various interpretations and retellings of the classic story. Some of the most well-known adaptations include the 1951 film "Scrooge" starring Alastair Sim, the 1984 film "A Christmas Carol" starring George C. Scott, and the 2009 animated film "Disney's A Christmas Carol" starring Jim Carrey.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen made the most money in 2009. $402,076,689 was the amount made.
For one film: "It's a Wonderful Life" For multiple versions of the same story: "A Christmas Carol".
Casino Royale (2006) made the most money worldwide, but Quantum of Solace(2008) made the most in the U.S.
Adjusting for inflation, "Gone with the Wind" (1939) has made the most money. In today's dollars: $1,454,721,307.
Supposably Johnny Depp has made the most money. He made $55 Million for the Pirates of the Carribean The Search for the Black Pearl in 2007.
Highest grossing film is Titanic.
how the Grinch stole Christmas
It Was The Lion King.
After Christmas, of course, the holiday most of Americans spend their money on is Halloween.
Either avatar or the rise of the trolls
The most popular Christmas film on tv would probably be A Christmas Story. It runs over and over all day long on Christmas Day (for 24 hours). It's a really good movie.And also Home alone.
It is likely impossible to say which film was "watched" the most. But as far as highest grossing films, which are films who made the most money in the theaters due to the amount of money people spent on seeing them, they fall in this order: Avatar, Released 2009 made $2.7 Billion Titanic, Released 1997 made $1.8 Billion Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, Released 2003 made $1.1 Billion
The Film Jaws