it was not the bee gees(1970) as the bee gees are a 1970s rock band the question states what 1980s rock band bleached their hair blond to do the bubble gum commercial and the correct answer is the Police(1980) which is a 1980s rock band whoever put the bee gees does not know the years.
1980 Independence Bowl - 1980 - TV was released on: USA: 13 December 1980
1980 American Bodybuilding Championship - 1980 TV was released on: USA: 1980
1980 Fiesta Bowl - 1980 TV was released on: USA: 26 December 1980
Chain Reaction - 1980 1980-03-07 was released on: USA: 7 March 1980
Chain Reaction - 1980 1980-03-26 was released on: USA: 26 March 1980
Blond Panni was born on January 14, 1980, in Hungary.
The Commercial Single was created in 1980.
Michael Bolton
If you are talking about the commercial from around 1980, it was an improvised appoggiatura - according to the woman who sang it!
That would be Canadian actress/singer Gail Dahms!!
The song about money on the Game Show network commercial was Rockwell. The song was made famous in the 1980's.
That blond girl getting down in the "Funky Town" video was Cynthia Johnson, the lead singer of Lipps Inc. She brought the disco vibes and killer dance moves to that funky jam. So, put on your dancing shoes and groove like it's 1980!
Pat Metheny - I believe the title was "Last Train Home"
Livingston Taylor
I found it. The worker was James A. "Bruzzy" Willders, who made a 1980 Reagan TV commercial and a 1981 radio commercial, but defected to the Democrats in a 1982 TV commercial. The line I was trying to remember was "If the Democrats are good for working people, how come so many people aren't working?" As far as I know, Mr. Willders did not say anything about being a former Carter supporter.
There are very few places that have commercials from the 1980's. The most reliable place to find a commercial of this age is from an online video service such as YouTube.