In "Halloween 6" were led to believe that Michael had sex with his niece, Jamie Lloyd. But it was directors cut, when the director wanted to keep it like a secret. There was a scene, when Jamie was roped to bed, and Michael was walking by her, and stopped. He was standing by her legs, and Jamie says"Uncle Michael please don't hurt me!" and the scene was clear gasping by both individuals. Thus reached at the so-called "sex scene" by Michael Myers. So he's not virgin most believed.
No Billy is Jamie's uncle.
She kissed him because after 20+ years he finally killed her, she was saying goodbye and that she will see him in hell one day.
Halloween 5 has the Thorn curse stuff in it so he isn't just a mindless killer, but a human who is being controlled, he still has a spark of humanity and some emotions besides rage, him and Jamie also have a special connection and she briefly tapped into his human side when she called him uncle. He was showing remorse for everything he had done but snapped out of it when Jamie tried to touch him, by Halloween 6 any emotions he had left were well and truly gone.
Michael trucco
In "Halloween 6" were led to believe that Michael had sex with his niece, Jamie Lloyd. But it was directors cut, when the director wanted to keep it like a secret. There was a scene, when Jamie was roped to bed, and Michael was walking by her, and stopped. He was standing by her legs, and Jamie says"Uncle Michael please don't hurt me!" and the scene was clear gasping by both individuals. Thus reached at the so-called "sex scene" by Michael Myers. So he's not virgin most believed.
No Billy is Jamie's uncle.
In Halloween 6 Jamie Lloyd gave birth to what we are lead to believe is Michael's son, in the producer's cut while she is in hospital she has a flashback/dream of the Thorn cult standing around her as she is chained down to an alter, Michael is seen approaching her and stands by her legs and she says "Uncle Michael please don't hurt me" one of the characters also points out the baby is his, in the theatrical release it's open for everyone to decide how she got pregnant because those scenes were cut.
Alex's uncle is called Michael.
Uncle Frankie helped Jamie get into the zone by teaching him relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization. He also encouraged Jamie to focus on his passion for stand-up comedy to boost his confidence and performance. Uncle Frankie's guidance and support were instrumental in helping Jamie overcome his nerves and deliver a great performance.
The cast of His Bogus Uncle - 1911 includes: Florence Lawrence Harry Myers as Albert White
She kissed him because after 20+ years he finally killed her, she was saying goodbye and that she will see him in hell one day.
Halloween 5 has the Thorn curse stuff in it so he isn't just a mindless killer, but a human who is being controlled, he still has a spark of humanity and some emotions besides rage, him and Jamie also have a special connection and she briefly tapped into his human side when she called him uncle. He was showing remorse for everything he had done but snapped out of it when Jamie tried to touch him, by Halloween 6 any emotions he had left were well and truly gone.
No! Ellen is Michael's niece, so in other words, Michael is Ellen's Uncle lol! :D