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Hinduism is more populous, but Buddhism is found in more different places and practiced by more diverse groups of people.It is important to note here, the difference between active proselytizing and passive spreading. In the case of Hinduism, the religion has not been actively proselytized outside of India for nearly 1500 years. That Hinduism has spread outside of India (to far off places like Fiji or Guyana) is because the British Empire transported Indians outside of India. There are more Hindus than Buddhists because India is more populous than all Buddhist majority countries combined. Conversely, Buddhism actively proselytized and converted vast swathes of people in different countries and continues to try converting others. In fact, most places outside of India that were once Hindu-majority as a result of Hindu proselytism became Buddhist-majority through Buddhist proselytism.
They are all religionsThey are all older than 1300 yearsThey all encourage good behavior and frown on bad behaviorOtherwise, there are NO similarities between all five of these religions.
I would say that first off, Hinduism and Buddhism are more similar, in regards to personnel development and seeking enlightenment (Moksa in Hinduism), than either of them to Christianity. As to similarities, seeking to live a righteous and moral life, and non-violence are common goals.
The Gupta emperors practiced and supported Hinduism.
Similar: Both originate from India, Lord Buddha being born in Gaya, Bihar; Lord Rama in Ayodhya, and Lord Krishna in Gokula, U.P Both use chanting of prayers and mantras to purify, focus and instruct the mind. Both meditate on and worship Deities (Sri Murti), which tallies with the Beatitude "Blessed are the Pure in Heart, for they shall see God". Some (many) in the Mosaic faiths (Moses 10 commandments) consider this idolatry, but we assert that, it is not those who meditate on the picture or statue of God or the gods (angels, Lord Jesus, saints, Buddhas, Ganesh, Hanuman, etc.) who are at fault, but rather those who criticize them, and certainly those who destroy temples of any faith, are condemned by the Lord. Differences: Buddhism seeks to attain Nirvana which is cessation of suffering as does Hinduism, but many sects (actually on both sides) consider nothingness to be the goal, which is rejected by personalists of the Bhakti school who want to be with God, rather than merge into him or simply cease to exist. Buddhist texts are derived from Pali, the language of north India 2500 years ago (and thence into local languages, especially Tibetan, Burmese, Thai, Simhala, Chinese & Japanese). Hindu texts mainly originated in Sanskrit, a more ancient language, but also in medieval Hindi like Tulsidas' Ramayana, or classical Bengali like Sri Chaitanya-Caritamrta (1486-1534AD). Buddhists all shave their head clean, while Hindus adopt many styles showing their ashram, such as dreadlocks, or shaved but keeping a tuft or larger portion of hair at the back, called a sikha. Hindus also wear markings on their foreheads, and bodies if they are sadhus, which display which tradition they belong to and whom they worship. Buddhists are more plain & simple in this regard. Some Buddhist traditions use the chanting mala, rosary (eg. Tibetan) while others don't (eg. Zen, the impersonalist school). But again, some Hindus chant while others do silent meditation. Hinduism is an collection of very many religions and traditions from mountain to ocean, desert to plains, forest to jungle. It cannot be defined as a single religion. Buddhism also has its Mahayana and Hinayana traditions, Theravada, Chinese & Japanese schools (Ch'an - Dhyan - Zen - all mean meditation). One big difference is that Buddhism professes that there is no God, but then proceeds to worship Buddha and the gods in that indirect way. Both traditions tend to be vegetarian but there are relaxations due to modernism or to remote location such as Tibet. To summarise, we believe Hinduism gave birth to Buddhism, in some ways as a protest movement against animal sacrifice, casteism, & the suffering of the masses while the priests and kings enjoyed. Buddha led a movement to reform this, to show compassion to others, human and otherwise. There are many variations of both traditions, many areas of overlap and some bones of contention - but at root both share meditation, worship, and loving kindness at the core of their philosophies.
Jainism is stricter than Buddhism and Hinduism, but all three are connected.
Hinduism started in India, and is more ancient than Buddhism. Buddhism also started in India, but spread to china.
Jainism spread in India whereas Buddhism spread in other countries because Jain monks aren't allowed to travel overseas.
Buddhism was originated from injustice of Hinduism and Caste system. Buddhism focused on personal welfare rather than worshipping god and treated everyone equally.
No, Hinduism and Buddhism are two separate religions, even though they share many beliefs about compassion, kindness and charity. As it was Hinduism was in its infancy when Buddhism started. Ancient Hinduism was more closer to Brahmanism than the Hinduism that exists today.
Christianity and Paganism although there are a few more than two religions that believe in reincarnation! :)
No Buddhism was established about 500 BCE. Hinduism has roots going back several thousand years before that.
The greater variation in the teachings of Buddhism compared to Hinduism can be attributed to the decentralized nature of Buddhism. Unlike Hinduism, which has a more centralized structure with texts like the Vedas and Upanishads, Buddhism has multiple schools and traditions that have developed over time, each with its own interpretations and practices. Additionally, Buddhism spread to different regions with diverse cultural influences, leading to further variations in teachings and practices. This diversity in Buddhism reflects its adaptability to different cultural contexts and the emphasis on personal experience and interpretation in its teachings.
Hinduism was the backbone of Indian soceity. Than after Buddhism was founded by Lord Buddha and changed the path of Indian society.
Other than what? Reincarnation is taight in Hinduism and Buddhism
Currently Hinduism is made of more than 100 Religions. Some are jainism, Buddhism, shikhism, shaktism etc.
Any religion other than Hinduism or Buddhism.