xtaw gapo pom jawape tu....susah bangat kok...try la demo buat laak...k
By example: Tu es la réalisation de tous mes désirs. (or "mes rêves") Or Mes rêves se réalisent en toi.
le venvzuela, caracasl'egypt, caire le maroc, rabat le viet-nam, hanoi la colombie, bogota la norvege, oslo les pays-bas, la haye le portugal, lisbonne l'argentine, buenos aires la combodge, phnom penh
je fais en blasf ooejer une rijk kanckonofv a so hoeer tu shanoj en la pere gooed
To wash is laver. I wash (Je lave) You wash (Tu laves) He/she washes (Il/Elle lave) We wash (Nous lavons) ya'll/you [formal] wash (Vous lavez) They wash (ils/elles lavent)
Tu connais...? is french for do you know....? It refers to a person.EX: Tu connais la jeune fille?Do you know the young girl?Hope this helps!
bas con tu mama i se la metes
donnez-moi celui-ci là-bas donne-moi celui-ci la-bas (informal - as when using 'tu')
yes or no, it depends if you like your city or not
"La fils" is not a common phrase in French. "Fil" means "son" in French. If "la fils" is intended to mean "the son," the correct French phrase is "le fils" for a male child and "la fille" for a female child, which mean "the son" and "the daughter" respectively.
"La bas" means "over there" in English.
its "ne la connais pas"...well i think it is!
Les Fils de la vie et de la mort was created in 2007.
Oui, effectivement, la fille là-bas est française.
The duration of Les Fils de la vie et de la mort is 360.0 seconds.
Well, darling, "Es la bas" in Cajun French simply means "It's over there." So if someone's asking where the good gumbo is, you can just point and say "Es la bas" with a flick of your wrist. Just make sure you're pointing in the right direction, unless you want to start a wild gumbo chase!
you are the most beautiful girl I know